Sequencer Editor Reference

UI, tools, and options reference page for Sequencer.

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This page outlines the user interface, tools, and options contained within Sequencer.

sequencer reference

  1. Toolbar

  2. Outliner

  3. Timeline

  4. Playback Controls


The Sequencer Toolbar contains various commands, tools, and options.

sequencer toolbar





sequencer world

Lists information on the current world context, Level Sequence Actor, and playback realm. It contains options for specifying whether you want your sequence to autobind to Play In Editor (PIE), Simulation, or other runtime sessions.


sequencer save

Saves the current sequence and any subscenes or shots.

Find in Content Browser

sequencer find

Locates the current sequence's Level Sequence asset in the Content Browser.

Create Camera

sequencer camera

Creates a new Cine Camera Actor . A new Camera Cut Track will also be created and will reference this camera if one had not already been created.


sequencer render

Opens the Render Movie Settings dialog, or the Movie Render Queue if its plugin is enabled.

Director Blueprint

sequencer director

Opens the Director Blueprint for this sequence, from which Event Track logic can be accessed.


sequencer actions

Lists various sequence editor actions such as saving, import/export, baking, and selection editing.

View Options

sequencer view options

Lists various sequence view options.

Playback Options

sequencer playback options

Lists various playback options such as playrate, start/end times, and playhead behavior.

Keyframe Options

sequencer keyframe options

Lists settings for Auto Key transform keyframing behavior, and what default tangents are created.

Auto Key

sequencer autokey

Enables Autokey mode, where keyframes are automatically created whenever a property or transform changes.

Edit Options

sequencer edit options

Lists settings for how edits from the Details panel are interpreted by Sequencer when using Auto Key.


sequencer snapping

Enables snapping. The dropdown menu next to this lists options for setting snapping rules for keyframes, sections, and the timeline.

Frames Per Second

sequencer fps

Lists settings for various Frames Per Second (FPS) targets at runtime. Also contains options to enable the runtime to lock to the chosen frame rate.

Curve Editor

sequencer curve editor

Opens the Curve Editor which is used for fine tuning of animation keyframes and tangents.


sequencer breadcrumbs

Displays the current sequence name, and is used to navigate master sequences and shots.


sequencer lock

Locks the entire sequence to prevent editing.

A comprehensive reference for the Sequencer Toolbar can be found on the Sequencer Toolbar Reference page.


Sequencer Toolbar Reference

Learn about the tools and options within Sequencer's Toolbar.

Learn about the tools and options within Sequencer's Toolbar.


The outliner contains header information for all tracks added to your sequence, as well as tools to add, filter, and search for tracks.

sequencer outliner

Visit the Tracks page for more information.


The timeline area contains the entire playable region of your sequence including animations, keyframes, and timeline controls.

The playback range of your sequence is contained within Start (Green) and End (Red) markers.

sequencer timeline

Timeline Navigation

Panning and zooming are used to navigate within the timeline.


You can pan your view vertically by dragging the right-side scrollbar up and down.

sequencer timeline pan

You can also pan and zoom horizontally using the Range Slider at the bottom of the timeline.

Dragging the middle area of the slider pans, while dragging the left/right margins will zoom your view.

sequencer timeline pan

The Range Slider is enabled by default and can be disabled from the View Options dropdown in the Sequencer toolbar.

Holding RMB and dragging along the timeline enables panning horizontally and vertically.

sequencer timeline pan

Scrolling will pan the timeline up and down, while holding Shift and scrolling will pan the timeline left and right.

sequencer timeline pan


You can zoom in the timeline by holding CTRL and scrolling.

sequencer timeline zoom

By holding ALT + Shift and click-drag RMB left and right you can free-form zoom.

sequencer timeline zoom

By holding CTRL and dragging along the time bar to the right, you can define a zoom region. Holding CTRL and dragging the time bar to the left resets the zoom back to full.

sequencer timeline zoom

The zoom pivot is relative to the playhead by default and can be changed by locating the Zoom Position preference in the Editor Preferences and Project Settings .

If your zoom and timeline framing have overextended, you can reset your zoom and timeline framing by pressing the Home key, which also resets the bounds of the range slider.

sequencer reset zoom


The playhead displays the current time in the sequence and is one of the main controls for timeline interactions.

During playback it will move across the timeline at the specified playrate and can be stopped in place by pausing.

sequencer playhead

You can drag the playhead to change the current time in the sequence, and preview changes in the viewport.

This is commonly referred to as "scrubbing".

sequencer scrubbing

You can fast forward the playhead to other areas of the timeline by holding Shift and double-clicking a region of the timebar.

sequencer fast forward

The current time of the playhead is displayed and can be manipulated from the sequence outliner. You can press CTRL + T to focus selection to this field and type in a new time value.

sequencer current time

You can also right-click the playhead or anywhere on the time bar to reveal additional options.

sequencer timeline menu




Set Start Time

Changes the start time of the sequence to the current position of your cursor. If using the hotkey it will set to the playhead instead.


Set End Time

Changes the end time of the sequence to your cursor. If using the hotkey it will set to the playhead instead.


Set Selection Start

Sets the start point of a custom timeline selection range to your cursor.


Set Selection End

Sets the end point of a custom timeline selection range to your cursor.


Clear Selection Range

Removes the selection range.

Add Mark

Creates a Custom Timeline Mark at the current playhead time.


Delete All Marks

Removes all custom marks from the sequence.

Selection Ranges

Selection ranges are custom regions you can define in a sequence to assist with timeline selection and playback.

To create a selection range, right- click a point in the timeline bar and set a Start and End Selection Range .

sequencer selection range

The selection range handles can be adjusted similarly to the start and end times of the sequence.

sequencer selection range

You can also set the playback of the sequence to loop within the section range.

sequencer selection range loop

Selection ranges can also be used to select keyframes and sections within them by clicking the Actions toolbar button and selecting Select Keys in Selection Range or Select Sections in Selection Range .

sequencer selection range menu

To remove a selection range, right-click the timeline bar and select Clear Selection Range .

Custom Marks

Custom marks are points you can add to call attention to areas or provide annotation for your sequence.

sequencer mark

To create a mark, right-click a point in the timeline bar and select Add Mark .

To edit a mark, right-click it to view its details. Here you can customize its properties such as Label , Color and Frame Number .

sequencer edit mark

Marks within Subscenes , Shots , or Template Sequences can be viewed from the parent sequence if you enable Show Marked Frames Globally from the View Options menu.

show marked frames globally

Marks can also function as Determinism Fences . Determinism Fences force the engine to evaluate on the same frame as the mark, even if normal engine ticking would have skipped over it during playback. They are useful for resolving issues related to events or keyframes being skipped when a sequence or sub sequence is being played.

is determinism fence

Playback Controls

The playback controls can be found in the bottom-left corner of Sequencer and function similarly to standard media playback applications.

Buttons for toggling playing, pausing, and other playback-related functions are found here.

sequencer playback vcr




Sets the start time of the sequence to the current location of the playhead.


Jumps to the start of the sequence.


Jumps to the previous keyframe in the selected track.


Jumps to the previous frame.


Plays or pauses the sequence in reverse from the current position of the playhead.


Plays or pauses the sequence from the position of the playhead.


Jumps to the next frame.


Jumps to the next keyframe in the selected track.


Jumps to the end of the sequence.


Sets the end time of the sequence to the current location of the playhead.


Toggles between looping and no looping. Selection range looping is added if selection ranges are being used in the timeline.

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