Fade Track

The Fade Track is used to fade the entire screen to a solid color. With it, you can fade to black, white, or any other specified color.

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See Also

There may be times when you want to fade in or out scenes within your cinematic. Whether you choose to fade in at the start or fade out at the end, or maybe fade out shots in between, you can do so in Sequencer with the Fade Track . In this guide we create a small scene and fade it in over time, then after a brief pause, we fade the scene out.


For this how-to, we are using the Blueprint Third Person Template . However, you can use any project you wish.

  1. From the Main Tool Bar click Cinematics and Add Level Sequence .


    Enter any name and save location for your new Level Sequence asset which will be added to the Level and Content Browser .

  2. In Sequencer, click the +Track button and select Fade Track .


  3. Select the Fade Track then change the value to 1.0 and click the + button to add a keyframe for the value.


    The Level Viewport will appear black after changing the value to 1.0 (or full tint).


  4. Move the Timeline Marker to 50 then change the value to 0.0 and add a key (press Enter or click + ).


    The Level Viewport will appear as normal after reducing the Fade value back to 0 (or no tint).

    You can hold CTRL and Mouse-Wheel in or out to zoom in or out on the Timeline.

  5. Add a key at 100 with a value of 0.0 and a key at 150 with a value of 1.0 to fade out the scene.


  6. Click the Play button in the Level Viewport to simulate your sequence.

End Result

You will now see that your sample scene fades in and stays lit before fading out.

To increase the duration of the fade time, you can increase the amount of frames between your full and no tint keyframes. Whenever you choose to play this Level Sequence (via Auto Play or calling it through script), the Fade track will handle fading the scene in and out.

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