Virtual Camera Component Quick Start

The Virtual Camera Component is the base architecture that provides the foundation for building custom virtual cameras in Unreal Engine.

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The Virtual Camera Component (VCamComponent) is the base component that enables building custom virtual cameras in Unreal Engine .

With the VCamComponent, a user can drive a Cine Camera inside Unreal Engine by adding custom Modifiers and Output Providers .


This Quick Start guide is designed to take you through the basic steps of creating a virtual camera using the Virtual Camera Component.


After going through this guide, you will learn the following:

  • How to place a camera in the scene and add the VCamComponent.

  • How to add Modifiers to the camera to customize its behaviors.

  • How to add basic key inputs to enable and disable Modifiers.

  • How to use different Output Providers.

1 - Required Setup

Before you start, you need to enable the appropriate plugins inside your project.

  1. Click on Settings > Plugins to open the Plugins menu.

    Plugins menu

  2. Search for the Virtual Camera plugin and enable it.

    Virtual Camera

  3. Restart the editor.

Section Results

You are now ready to start creating your virtual camera.

2- Creating a Virtual Camera

The Virtual Camera Component works with any Actor that contains a Cine Camera Component. In this example we will be using the Cine Camera Actor for convenience.

  1. On the Place Actors panel, select the Cinematic category and click and drag the Cine Camera Actor to your scene.

    Drag the Cine Camera Actor

  2. With the Cine Camera Actor selected, go to the Details panel and select the CameraComponent .

    Select the CameraComponent

  3. Click the Add Component button and search for and add the VCam component.

    Search for VCam

    Make sure the VCam component is a child of the CameraComponent.

  4. Select and click VCam to add the component.

  5. Feel free to move the Cine Camera Actor in your scene and adjust the Current Camera Settings to your liking. In the example below, we moved the camera to frame the meerkat in the scene and adjusted the camera to always keep the subject in focus.

    Adjust the camera

    You can learn more about adjusting the camera settings by going to the Cine Camera Actor documentation page.

  6. Select the Camera Actor, then select the VCam component in the component hierarchy.

    Select the VCam component

  7. You can now see the properties available under the Virtual Camera section.

    Virtual Camera properties

The properties are as follows:




This toggle enables and disables the entire Virtual Camera Component.

Live Link Subject

This is the subject used via the Live Link plugin. The component uses the subject's camera information to drive the camera in the scene.

Lock Viewport to Camera

The viewport will be rendered from the point of view of the virtual camera.

Disable Component when Spawned by Sequencer

Disables the Virtual Camera Component when spawned by a Sequence. This prevents a situation where two VCam components might become active at the same time when you play a Sequence that contains a VCam component set as spawnable.

Target Viewport

This is the editor viewport that will be used by the component to render its view.

Output Providers

Contains a list of all output device destinations.

Modifier Context

An optional object that contains arbitrary data that is shared between all Modifiers.

Modifier Stack

Contains a list of all Modifiers added to the component.

Section Results

You placed a Cine Camera Actor in your scene and added the Virtual Camera Component. You are now ready to customize your camera by adding Modifiers .

3 - Adding Modifiers

Modifiers can manipulate the camera by adding custom effects and behaviors to simulate real life camera behaviors. You can create custom modifiers with Blueprints or C++ and add them to the stack to layer different effects.

The Modifiers in the stack will be executed from top to bottom and the effects will be applied in that order.

Creating your First Modifier

  1. Right-click inside the Content Browser and select the VCam Modifier under the Virtual Camera category.

    Create the virtual camera modifier

  2. Name your Blueprint VCM_LookAt , then double-click it to open it.

    Name the Blueprint VCM_LookAt

  3. Go to the My Blueprint tab and click on the plus sign next to Variables to add a new variable. Name the new variable TargetActor .

    Create a new variable

  4. With TargetActor selected, go to the Details panel and click on the Variable Type dropdown. Search for Actor and select the Object Reference .

    Set TargetActor to the Actor type

  5. Select the Instance Editable checkbox and Compile and Save the Blueprint.

    Make TargetActor instance editable

  6. Drag TargetActor into the Event Graph and select Get TargetActor . Then drag from the node and search for and select Is Valid , as shown below.

    Drag from TargetActor and search for Is Valid

  7. Connect the Event on Apply node to the Is Valid node.

    Connect Event On Apply to Is Valid

  8. Drag from the Camera Component pin of the Event On Apply node and search for and select Get World Location .

    Search for Get World Location

  9. Drag from TargetActor and search for and select Get Actor Location .

    Search for Get Actor Location

  10. Drag from the Return Value of the GetWorldLocation node and search for and select Find Look At Rotation .

    Search for Look At Rotation

  11. Connect the Return Value pin of the Get Actor Location node to the Target pin of the Find Look at Rotation node.

    Connect  the Get Actor Location node to the Find Look at Rotation node

  12. Drag from the Camera Component pin of the Event On Apply node and search for and select Set World Rotation .

    Search for Set World Rotation

  13. Connect the Is Valid pin from the Is Valid node to the Set World Rotation node. Connect the Return Value pin of the Find Look at Rotation node to the New Rotation pin of the Set World Rotation node.

    Connect the Is Valid node to the Set World Rotation node

  14. Compile and Save the Blueprint.

Adding the Modifier to the Stack

Now you are ready to add your custom Modifier to the Modifier Stack .

  1. Go to the Place Actors tab and under the Basic category, click and drag a Sphere into the level.

    Drag a sphere to the level

  2. Select your Camera Actor and inside the component hierarchy, select the VCam component.

  3. Click the plus sign on the Modifier Stack to add an entry to the list.

    Add modifier to the stack

  4. Enter a name for your Modifier, such as Look At . Adding a name allows you to reference this Modifier in your Blueprints later on.

    Add the name Look At

  5. Click on the dropdown arrow for Generated Modifier and select VCM_LookAt from the list.

    Select VCM_Sine from the list

  6. Expand the Default section of the Modifier and click on the Target Actor dropdown. Select the Sphere Actor you added to the level.

    Add the Sphere actor

  7. Select the Sphere Actor in your level and move it. You will see the camera rotate towards the Sphere .


Section Results

In this section you learned how to create a custom camera modifier by using Blueprints.

You also learned how to add your custom modifier to the Modifier Stack to manipulate your virtual camera inside the editor.

4 - Using the Virtual Camera Input System

The current Virtual Camera input system is a placeholder and will be replaced by a more advanced version in the future.

The Virtual Camera Component can use Editor Input Events directly inside Modifiers to provide additional control to the user.

Here is how you can use this system to add additional functionality to your Modifier.


Our goal for this section will be to add a key input to our Modifier that will allow us to enable and disable the effect by pressing a single key.

Creating an Input Event

  1. Open the VCM_LookAt Blueprint by double clicking it in the Content Browser .

  2. Right click on the Event Graph then search for and select the function Get VCamInputSubsystem .

    Get VCam Subsystem

  3. Drag from the VCam Input Subsystem node then search for and select the Bind Key Up Event . Connect the Event On Initialize node with the Bind Key Up Event node.

    Bind KeyUp Event

  4. Drag from the red Delegate pin and search for and select Add Custom Event . Name the new custom event ToggleActivation .

    Add Custom Event

    Toggle Activation

  5. On the Bind Key Up Event node, click on the keyboard icon and press the S key to bind it to the event. Alternatively, you can press the dropdown arrow and select the desired key from the list.

    Add the S key

  6. Right click on the Event Graph and search for and select Set Enabled under the Virtual Camera category. Connect the ToggleActivation node to the Set Enabled node.

    Add the Set Enabled node

  7. Right click on the Event Graph and search for and select Is Enabled under the Virtual Camera category.

    Add the Is Enabled node

  8. Drag from the Is Enabled node and search for and select Not .

    Add the Not node

  9. Connect the Not node to the New Enabled pin of the Set Enabled node.

    Connect the Not node to the Set Enabled node

  10. Return to your scene and while moving the Sphere Actor in the level, press S to toggle the effect on and off.

    The virtual camera input system executes every time the user presses a key, even when the viewport is not in focus. This can cause conflicts when the user presses the key for other purposes. For example, if the user renames an asset in the Content Browser and uses the letter S, it will execute your event.

  11. To prevent accidental activation of the Modifier, you can add an additional safeguard to your code such as adding the Shift key as part of the input.

  12. Go back to VCM_LookAt and add a Branch node between the ToggleActivation event and the Set Enabled node, as shown below.

    Add a Branch node

  13. Drag from the Key Event pin of the Toggle Activation node, then search for and select the Get Input from Key Event function.

    Get input event

  14. Drag from the node, then search for and select the Is Shift Down function.

    Add the Is Shift Down node

  15. Finally, connect the Is Shift Down node to the Condition pin of the Branch node, as seen below.

    Connect the node to the Branch

  16. Your Modifier will now execute only when the Shift key is down and you press the S key.

Section Results

In this section you added an input event that executes when the S key is pressed. This event enables and disables the effect of your Modifier. In addition, you added the Shift key as a safeguard to prevent conflicts when the user presses the S key for another purpose.

5 - Adding Output Providers

The Output Provider system is used to route the output of the virtual camera onto various providers including viewports, devices using the remote session protocol, the Composure plugin, and various supported video capture cards.

The Output Providers list is always executed in order, starting from the top.

Let's take a look at the available Output Providers that come with the Virtual Camera Component.

Viewport Output Provider

This Provider will output the virtual camera's view directly to the main viewport in the editor.

  1. Select the VCam component and click on the + sign next to the Output Providers to add a new Provider to the list.

    Add a Provider to the list

  2. Select the Viewport Output Provider option from the list.

    Viewport Output Provider

  3. You can now see the shared properties among the different Providers:



    Is Active

    Enables and disables the Provider.

    UMG Overlay

    UMG widget that is overlaid on top of the image output.

    Use Override Resolution

    Sets a custom resolution to the output image. This is especially useful when using external devices with fixed resolutions.

    Override Resolution

    This is the fixed resolution used for the output image.

  4. As an example, click on the UMG Overlay dropdown and search for and select TestUMG to add a test widget to the viewport.

    Add Test UMG

  5. Finally, set the Output Provider as Active by clicking on the checkbox.

    Set Output Provider to Active

  6. You should now see an overlay on the main viewport in your scene.This is an example of how you can customize your camera output to fit your specific needs.

    UMG overlay

Unreal Remote Output Provider

This Provider outputs the main editor viewport to a remote device connected via the Remote Session protocol, such as the Unreal Remote 2 app. Any compatible device connected with this method can be used for this purpose.

Next you will configure your project to connect an external device using Remote Session.

  1. Open Settings > Project Settings .

    Open your Project Settings

  2. Go to the UDP Message section and set your Unicast Endpoint to your computer's IP address with :0 at the end of the IP to indicate your port number.

    Unicast Endpoint

  3. Go to the Rendering section and under Default Settings click on the arrow to expand the advanced settings. Set your Frame Buffer Pixel Format to 8bit RGBA .

    Frame Buffer Format

  4. Restart the editor.

iOS Device Setup

Download the VCAM App from the App Store to your ARKit enabled iOS device and launch the app.

iOS Device

Connecting your device

  1. Select the VCam component on your virtual camera actor, and select the Unreal Remote Output Provider from the Output Provider dropdown list.

    Select Remote Output Provider

  2. Open the Unreal Remote 2 app on your device. Enter the IP address of your computer and tap the Connect button to try and establish a connection.

  3. You should now see the main editor viewport mirrored on your device's screen.

    Screen mirrored on your device

Media Output Provider

The Media Output Provider sends the virtual camera's output to any device supported by the Unreal Media Framework , such as video capture cards from Black Magic and AJA.

Once chosen, you can select the Output Config , which is used to specify the output parameters.

Output Config

For more information on how to use the Unreal Media Framework, visit the Media Framework documentation page.

Composure Output Provider

The Composure Output Provider sends the virtual camera's output to a render target that can be used directly by the Composure Plugin . In addition, you can specify the Composure Layer Targets that the camera's view will be rendered on.

Composure Plugin

For more information on how to use the Composure Plugin, please visit the Real-Time Compositing with Composure documentation page.

Section Results

In this section you learned how to add different Output Providers to your Virtual Camera component. You can now use your virtual camera to output directly to the editor viewport, or an external device via the Remote Session protocol.

You also learned how to send your output to be processed by the Unreal Media Framework and the Composure Plugin.

Next Steps

Now that you know how to build your own virtual camera, take a look at the pre-built Virtual Camera Actor that comes included in the Unreal Engine by going to the Virtual Camera Actor Quick Start .

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