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Get Alignment Transform

Target is ARBlueprint Library

Get AR World Scale

Target is ARBlueprint Library

Set AR Alignment Transform

Set a transform that will be applied to the tracking space. This effectively moves any camera possessed by the Augmented Reality system such that it is pointing at a different spot in Unreal's World Space. This is often done to support AR scenarios that rely on static geometry and/or lighting.

Note: any movable components that are pinned will appear to stay in place, while anything not pinned or is not movable (static or stationary) will appear to move.

\see PinComponent \see PinComponentToTraceResult

Target is ARBlueprint Library

Set AR World Origin Location and Rotation

For a point P in the AR local space, whose location and rotation are "OriginLocation" and "OriginRotation" in the world space modify the alignment transform so that the same point P will be transformed to the origin in the world space. @bIsTransformInWorldSpace: whether "OriginLocation" and "OriginRotation" are specified in UE4's world space or AR system's local space. @bMaintainUpDirection: if set, only the yaw roation of the alignment transform will be modified, pitch and roll will be zeroed out.

Target is ARBlueprint Library

Set AR World Scale

Helper function that modifies the alignment transform scale so that virtual content in the world space appears to be "scaled". Note that ultimately the scaling effect is achieved through modifying the translation of the camera: moving the camera further away from the origin makes objects appear to be smaller, and vice versa.

Target is ARBlueprint Library

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