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Get User Ability Activation Inhibited

This is meant to be used to inhibit activating an ability from an input perspective. (E.g., the menu is pulled up, another game mechanism is consuming all input, etc) This should only be called on locally owned players. This should not be used to game mechanics like silences or disables. Those should be done through gameplay effects.

Target is Ability System Component

Set User Ability Activation Inhibited

Disable or Enable a local user from being able to activate abilities. This should only be used for input/UI etc related inhibition. Do not use for game mechanics.

Target is Ability System Component

Target Cancel

Any active targeting actors will be stopped and canceled, not returning any targeting data

Target is Ability System Component

Target Confirm

Any active targeting actors will be told to stop and return current targeting data

Target is Ability System Component

Try Activate Abilities by Tag

Attempts to activate every gameplay ability that matches the given tag and DoesAbilitySatisfyTagRequirements(). Returns true if anything attempts to activate. Can activate more than one ability and the ability may fail later. If bAllowRemoteActivation is true, it will remotely activate local/server abilities, if false it will only try to locally activate abilities.

Target is Ability System Component

Try Activate Ability by Class

Attempts to activate the ability that is passed in. This will check costs and requirements before doing so. Returns true if it thinks it activated, but it may return false positives due to failure later in activation. If bAllowRemoteActivation is true, it will remotely activate local/server abilities, if false it will only try to locally activate the ability

Target is Ability System Component

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