

On this page


Add GameplayCue To Owner

Adds a persistent gameplay cue to the ability owner. Optionally will remove if ability ends

Target is Gameplay Ability

Add GameplayCueWithParams To Owner

Adds a persistent gameplay cue to the ability owner. Optionally will remove if ability ends

Target is Gameplay Ability


Apply a previously created gameplay effect spec to the owner of this ability

Target is Gameplay Ability


Apply a previously created gameplay effect spec to a target

Target is Gameplay Ability


Apply a gameplay effect to the owner of this ability

Target is Gameplay Ability


Apply a gameplay effect to a Target

Target is Gameplay Ability

Cancel Task by Instance Name

Add any task with this instance name to a list to be canceled (not ended) next frame. See also EndTaskByInstanceName.

Target is Gameplay Ability


Call from Blueprint to cancel the ability naturally

Target is Gameplay Ability


Checks the ability's cooldown, but does not apply it.

Target is Gameplay Ability


Checks the ability's cost, but does not apply it.

Target is Gameplay Ability


Attempts to commit the ability (spend resources, etc). This our last chance to fail. Child classes that override ActivateAbility must call this themselves!

Target is Gameplay Ability


Attempts to commit the ability's cooldown only. If BroadcastCommitEvent is true, it will broadcast the commit event that tasks like WaitAbilityCommit are listening for.

Target is Gameplay Ability


Attempts to commit the ability's cost only. If BroadcastCommitEvent is true, it will broadcast the commit event that tasks like WaitAbilityCommit are listening for.

Target is Gameplay Ability

Confirm Task by Instance Name

Finds all currently active tasks named InstanceName and confirms them. What this means depends on the individual task. By default, this does nothing other than ending if bEndTask is true.

Target is Gameplay Ability

End Ability State

Ends any active ability state task with the given name. If name is 'None' all active states will be ended (in an arbitrary order).

Target is Gameplay Ability

End Task by Instance Name

Add any task with this instance name to a list to be ended (not canceled) next frame. See also CancelTaskByInstanceName.

Target is Gameplay Ability


Call from kismet to end the ability naturally

Target is Gameplay Ability

Execute GameplayCue On Owner

Invoke a gameplay cue on the ability owner

Target is Gameplay Ability

Execute GameplayCueWithParams On Owner

Invoke a gameplay cue on the ability owner, with extra parameters

Target is Gameplay Ability

Get Ability Level

Returns current level of the Ability

Target is Gameplay Ability

Get Ability System Component

Tries to find an ability system component on the actor, will use AbilitySystemInterface

Target is Ability System Blueprint Library

Get Ability System Component from Actor Info

Returns the AbilitySystemComponent that is activating this ability

Target is Gameplay Ability

Get Actor Info

Returns the actor info associated with this ability, has cached pointers to useful objects

Target is Gameplay Ability

Get Avatar Actor from Actor Info

Returns the physical actor that is executing this ability. May be null

Target is Gameplay Ability

Get Context from Owner

Generates a GameplayEffectContextHandle from our owner and an optional TargetData.

Target is Gameplay Ability

Get Cooldown Time Remaining

Returns the time in seconds remaining on the currently active cooldown.

Target is Gameplay Ability

Get Current Source Object

Retrieves the SourceObject associated with this ability. Can only be called on instanced abilities.

Target is Gameplay Ability

Get Granted by Effect Context

Retrieves the EffectContext of the GameplayEffect that granted this ability. Can only be called on instanced abilities.

Target is Gameplay Ability

Get Max Stamina

Get Max Stamina

Target is Network Prediction Extras Flying Pawn Mock Ability

Get Mock Character Ability Component

Get Mock Character Ability Component

Target is Network Prediction Extras Character Mock Ability

Get Mock Flying Ability Component

Get Mock Flying Ability Component

Target is Network Prediction Extras Flying Pawn Mock Ability

Get Owning Actor from Actor Info

Returns the actor that owns this ability, which may not have a physical location

Target is Gameplay Ability

Get Stamina

Get Stamina

Target is Network Prediction Extras Flying Pawn Mock Ability


Returns current ability level for non instanced abilities. You must call this version in these contexts!

Target is Gameplay Ability


Convenience method for abilities to get skeletal mesh component - useful for aiming abilities

Target is Gameplay Ability


Retrieves the SourceObject associated with this ability. Callable on non instanced

Target is Gameplay Ability


K2 Has Authority

Target is Gameplay Ability

Invalidate Client Prediction Key

Invalidates the current prediction key. This should be used in cases where there is a valid prediction window, but the server is doing logic that only he can do, and afterwards performs an action that the client could predict (had the client been able to run the server-only code prior). This returns instantly and has no other side effects other than clearing the current prediction key.

Target is Gameplay Ability

Is Locally Controlled

True if the owning actor is locally controlled, true in single player

Target is Gameplay Ability

Make Outgoing Gameplay Effect Spec

Convenience method for abilities to get outgoing gameplay effect specs (for example, to pass on to projectiles to apply to whoever they hit)

Target is Gameplay Ability

Make Target Location Info from Owner Actor

Creates a target location from where the owner avatar is

Target is Gameplay Ability

Make Target Location Info from Owner Skeletal Mesh Component

Creates a target location from a socket on the owner avatar's skeletal mesh

Target is Gameplay Ability

Remove GameplayCue From Owner

Removes a persistent gameplay cue from the ability owner

Target is Gameplay Ability

Remove Granted by Effect

Removes the GameplayEffect that granted this ability. Can only be called on instanced abilities.

Target is Gameplay Ability


Removes GameplayEffects from owner which match the given asset level tags

Target is Gameplay Ability


Removes GameplayEffects from owner which grant the given tags

Target is Gameplay Ability


Removes GameplayEffect from owner that match the given handle

Target is Gameplay Ability

Send Gameplay Event

Sends a gameplay event, also creates a prediction window

Target is Gameplay Ability

Send Gameplay Event to Actor

This function can be used to trigger an ability on the actor in question with useful payload data.

Target is Ability System Blueprint Library

Set Can be Canceled

Sets whether the ability should ignore cancel requests. Only valid on instanced abilities

Target is Gameplay Ability

Set Should Block Other Abilities

Sets rather ability block flags are enabled or disabled. Only valid on instanced abilities

Target is Gameplay Ability








Effect Context

Effect Context

Gameplay Cue

Gameplay Cue

Gameplay Effect

Gameplay Effect

Target Data

Target Data



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