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Equal (Gameplay Attribute)

Simple equality operator for gameplay attributes

Target is Ability System Blueprint Library

Evaluate Attribute Value with Tags

Returns the value of Attribute from the ability system component AbilitySystem after evaluating it with source and target tags. bSuccess indicates the success or failure of this operation.

Target is Ability System Blueprint Library

Evaluate Attribute Value with Tags and Base

Returns the value of Attribute from the ability system component AbilitySystem after evaluating it with source and target tags using the passed in base value instead of the real base value. bSuccess indicates the success or failure of this operation.

Target is Ability System Blueprint Library

Get Float Attribute

Returns the value of Attribute from the ability system component belonging to Actor.

Target is Ability System Blueprint Library

Get Float Attribute Base

Returns the base value of Attribute from the ability system component belonging to Actor.

Target is Ability System Blueprint Library

Get Float Attribute Base from Ability System Component

Returns the base value of Attribute from the ability system component AbilitySystemComponent.

Target is Ability System Blueprint Library

Get Float Attribute from Ability System Component

Returns the value of Attribute from the ability system component AbilitySystem.

Target is Ability System Blueprint Library

Is Valid

Returns true if the attribute actually exists

Target is Ability System Blueprint Library

Not Equal (Gameplay Attribute)

Simple inequality operator for gameplay attributes

Target is Ability System Blueprint Library

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