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Adjust Attenuation

This function is used to modify the Attenuation Settings on the targeted Audio Component instance. It is worth noting that Attenuation Settings are only passed to new Active Sounds on start, so modified Attenuation data should be set before sound playback.

Target is Audio Component

Adjust Volume

This function allows designers to trigger an adjustment to the sound instance?s playback Volume with options for smoothly applying a curve over time.

Target is Audio Component

Fade In

This function allows designers to call Play on an Audio Component instance while applying a volume curve over time. Parameters allow designers to indicate the duration of the fade, the curve shape, and the start time if seeking into the sound.

Target is Audio Component

Fade Out

This function allows designers to call a delayed Stop on an Audio Component instance while applying a volume curve over time. Parameters allow designers to indicate the duration of the fade and the curve shape.

Target is Audio Component

Get Attenuation Settings To Apply

Retrieves Attenuation Settings data on the targeted Audio Component. Returns FALSE if no settings were found. Because the Attenuation Settings data structure is copied, FALSE returns will return default values.

Target is Audio Component

Get Cooked Envelope Data

Retrieves Cooked Envelope Data at the current playback time. If there are multiple SoundWaves playing, data is interpolated and averaged across all playing sound waves. Returns FALSE if no data was found.

Target is Audio Component

Get Cooked Envelope Data for All Playing Sounds

Retrieves the current-time envelope data of the sounds playing audio component. Envelope data is not averaged or interpolated. Instead an array of data with all playing sound waves with cooked data is returned. Returns true if there is data and the audio component is playing.

Target is Audio Component

Get Cooked FFTData

Retrieves the current-time cooked spectral data of the sounds playing on the audio component. Spectral data is averaged and interpolated for all playing sounds on this audio component. Returns true if there is data and the audio component is playing.

Target is Audio Component

Get Cooked FFTData for All Playing Sounds

Retrieves the current-time cooked spectral data of the sounds playing audio component. Spectral data is not averaged or interpolated. Instead an array of data with all playing sound waves with cooked data is returned. Returns true if there is data and the audio component is playing.

Target is Audio Component

Get Play State

Returns the enumerated play states of the audio component.

Target is Audio Component

Has Cooked Amplitude Envelope Data

Queries whether or not the targeted Audio Component instance?s sound has Envelope Data, returns FALSE if none found.

Target is Audio Component

Has Cooked FFTData

Queries if the sound wave playing in this audio component has cooked FFT data, returns FALSE if none found.

Target is Audio Component

Is Playing

Returns TRUE if the targeted Audio Component?s sound is playing. Doesn't indicate if the sound is paused or fading in/out. Use GetPlayState() to get the full play state.

Target is Audio Component

Is Virtualized

Returns if the sound is virtualized.

Target is Audio Component


Begins playing the targeted Audio Component?s sound at the designated Start Time, seeking into a sound.

Target is Audio Component

Play Quantized

Start a sound playing on an audio component on a given quantization boundary with the handle to an existing clock

Target is Audio Component

Set Audio Bus Send Post Effect

Sets how much audio the sound should send to the given Audio Bus (POST Source Effects). if the Audio Bus Send doesn't already exist, it will be added to the overrides on the active sound.

Target is Audio Component

Set Audio Bus Send Pre Effect

Sets how much audio the sound should send to the given Audio Bus (PRE Source Effects). if the Bus Send doesn't already exist, it will be added to the overrides on the active sound.

Target is Audio Component

Set Boolean Parameter

Allows the designer to set the Boolean Parameter on the SoundCue whose name matches the name indicated.

Target is Audio Component

Set Float Parameter

Allows the designer to set the Float Parameter on the SoundCue whose name matches the name indicated.

Target is Audio Component

Set Integer Parameter

Allows the designer to set the Integer Parameter on the SoundCue whose name matches the name indicated.

Target is Audio Component

Set Low Pass Filter Enabled

Sets whether or not the low pass filter is enabled on the audio component.

Target is Synth Component

Set Low Pass Filter Frequency

Sets lowpass filter frequency of the audio component.

Target is Synth Component

Set Output to Bus Only

Sets whether or not the synth component outputs its audio to any source or audio buses.

Target is Synth Component

Set Paused

Pause an audio component playing its sound cue, issue any delegates if needed

Target is Audio Component

Set Pitch Multiplier

Set a new pitch multiplier

Target is Audio Component

Set Sound

Set what sound is played by this component

Target is Audio Component

Set Source Bus Send Post Effect

Allows designers to target a specific Audio Component instance?s sound and set the send level (volume of sound copied) to the indicated Source Bus. If the Source Bus is not already part of the sound?s sends, the reference will be added to this instance?s Override sends. This particular send occurs after the Source Effect processing chain.

Target is Audio Component

Set Source Bus Send Pre Effect

Allows designers to target a specific Audio Component instance?s sound and set the send level (volume of sound copied) to the indicated Source Bus. If the Source Bus is not already part of the sound?s sends, the reference will be added to this instance?s Override sends. This particular send occurs before the Source Effect processing chain.

Target is Audio Component

Set Submix Send

Sets how much audio the sound should send to the given submix.

Target is Synth Component

Set UISound

Set whether sounds generated by this audio component should be considered UI sounds

Target is Audio Component

Set Volume Multiplier

Set a new volume multiplier

Target is Audio Component

Set Wave Parameter

Allows the designer to set the Wave Parameter on the SoundCue whose name matches the name indicated.

Target is Audio Component


Stop an audio component's sound, issue any delegates if needed

Target is Audio Component

Stop Delayed

Cues request to stop sound after the provided delay (in seconds), stopping immediately if delay is zero or negative

Target is Audio Component

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