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Clear Max Slider Value

Clear the maximum value that can be specified using the slider.

Target is Spin Box

Clear Max Value

Clear the maximum value that can be manually set in the spin box.

Target is Spin Box

Clear Min Slider Value

Clear the minimum value that can be specified using the slider.

Target is Spin Box

Clear Min Value

Clear the minimum value that can be manually set in the spin box.

Target is Spin Box

Get Custom Default Value

Gets the current custom default value of the slider.

Target is Radial Slider

Get Max Slider Value

Get the current maximum value that can be specified using the slider.

Target is Spin Box

Get Max Value

Get the current maximum value that can be manually set in the spin box.

Target is Spin Box

Get Min Slider Value

Get the current minimum value that can be specified using the slider.

Target is Spin Box

Get Min Value

Get the current minimum value that can be manually set in the spin box.

Target is Spin Box

Get Normalized Slider Handle Position

Get the current raw slider alpha from 0 to 1

Target is Radial Slider

Get Normalized Value

Get the current value scaled from 0 to 1

Target is Slider

Get Selected Index

Gets the current selected index

Target is Common Rotator

Get Selected Text

Gets the current text value of the slider.

Target is Common Rotator

Get Value

Gets the current value of the slider.

Target is Synth 2DSlider

Populate Text Labels

Set the array of texts available

Target is Common Rotator

Set Custom Default Value

Sets the current custom default value of the slider.

Target is Radial Slider

Set Indent Handle

Sets if the slidable area should be indented to fit the handle

Target is Synth 2DSlider

Set Locked

Sets the handle to be interactive or fixed

Target is Synth Knob

Set Max Slider Value

Set the maximum value that can be specified using the slider.

Target is Spin Box

Set Max Value

Sets the maximum value of the slider.

Target is Slider

Set Min Slider Value

Set the minimum value that can be specified using the slider.

Target is Spin Box

Set Min Value

Sets the minimum value of the slider.

Target is Slider

Set Selected Item

Sets the current value of the slider.

Target is Common Rotator

Set Slider Handle End Angle

Sets the maximum angle of the slider.

Target is Radial Slider

Set Slider Handle Start Angle

Sets the minimum angle of the slider.

Target is Radial Slider

Set Step Size

Sets the amount to adjust the value by, when using a controller or keyboard

Target is Synth Knob

Set Value

Sets the current value of the slider.

Target is Synth 2DSlider

Shift Text Left

Shift the current text left.

Target is Common Rotator

Shift Text Right

Shift the current text right.

Target is Common Rotator

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