Magic Leap

Magic Leap

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Capture Image to File Async

Initiates a capture image to file task on a separate thread. @brief The newly created jpeg file will have an automatically generated name which is guaranteed to be unique. Upon completion, a successful operation will provide the file path of the newly created jpeg to the FMagicLeapCameraCaptureImgToFile event handler.

Target is Magic Leap Camera Component

Capture Image to Texture Async

Initiates a capture image to memory task on a speparate thread. @brief The user should register event handlers for both the success and fail events. Upon completion, a successful operation will provide a dynamically generated texture containing the captured image to the FMagicLeapCameraCaptureImgToTextureSuccess event handler. Note: The generated texture will be garbage collected when this app is destroyed.

Target is Magic Leap Camera Component

Is Capturing

Gets the capture state of the component.

Target is Magic Leap Camera Component

On Capture Img to File

On Capture Img to File

On Capture Img to Texture

On Capture Img to Texture

On Log Message

On Log Message

On Start Recording

On Start Recording

On Stop Recording

On Stop Recording

Start Recording Async

Initiates the capturing of video/audio data on a separate thread. Note: The system will continue to record video until StopRecordingVideo is called.

Target is Magic Leap Camera Component

Stop Recording Async

Stops the recording and saves the video/audio data to an mp4 file. Note: The newly created mp4 file will have an automatically generated name which is guaranteed to be unique.

Target is Magic Leap Camera Component

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