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Cache Initial Mesh Offset

Cache mesh offset from capsule. This is used as the target for network smoothing interpolation, when the mesh is offset with lagged smoothing. This is automatically called during initialization; call this at runtime if you intend to change the default mesh offset from the capsule. See: GetBaseTranslationOffset(), GetBaseRotationOffset()

Target is Character

Can Crouch

Target is Character

Can Jump

Check if the character can jump in the current state.

The default implementation may be overridden or extended by implementing the custom CanJump event in Blueprints.

Target is Character


Request the character to start crouching. The request is processed on the next update of the CharacterMovementComponent. See: OnStartCrouch See: IsCrouched See: CharacterMovement->WantsToCrouch

Target is Character

Get Base Translation Offset

Get the saved translation offset of mesh. This is how much extra offset is applied from the center of the capsule.

Target is Character


Get the saved rotation offset of mesh. This is how much extra rotation is applied from the capsule rotation.

Target is Character

Is Jump Providing Force

True if jump is actively providing a force, such as when the jump key is held and the time it has been held is less than JumpMaxHoldTime. See: CharacterMovement->IsFalling

Target is Character


Make the character jump on the next update. If you want your character to jump according to the time that the jump key is held, then you can set JumpMaxHoldTime to some non-zero value. Make sure in this case to call StopJumping() when you want the jump's z-velocity to stop being applied (such as on a button up event), otherwise the character will carry on receiving the velocity until JumpKeyHoldTime reaches JumpMaxHoldTime.

Target is Character

Launch Character

Set a pending launch velocity on the Character. This velocity will be processed on the next CharacterMovementComponent tick, and will set it to the "falling" state. Triggers the OnLaunched event.

Target is Character

Movement Mode Changed Delegate

Multicast delegate for MovementMode changing.

On Character Movement Updated

Event triggered at the end of a CharacterMovementComponent movement update. This is the preferred event to use rather than the Tick event when performing custom updates to CharacterMovement properties based on the current state. This is mainly due to the nature of network updates, where client corrections in position from the server can cause multiple iterations of a movement update, which allows this event to update as well, while a Tick event would not.

@param DeltaSeconds Delta time in seconds for this update @param InitialLocation Location at the start of the update. May be different than the current location if movement occurred. @param InitialVelocity Velocity at the start of the update. May be different than the current velocity.

On Reached Jump Apex

Broadcast when Character's jump reaches its apex. Needs CharacterMovement->bNotifyApex = true

Stop Jumping

Stop the character from jumping on the next update. Call this from an input event (such as a button 'up' event) to cease applying jump Z-velocity. If this is not called, then jump z-velocity will be applied until JumpMaxHoldTime is reached.

Target is Character

Un Crouch

Request the character to stop crouching. The request is processed on the next update of the CharacterMovementComponent. See: OnEndCrouch See: IsCrouched See: CharacterMovement->WantsToCrouch

Target is Character

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