Component Conversion

Component Conversion

On this page


Convert Cine Camera Component

Convert Cine Camera Component

Target is Usd Conversion Blueprint Context

Convert Directional Light Component

Convert Directional Light Component

Target is Usd Conversion Blueprint Context

Convert Hism Component

Convert Hism Component

Target is Usd Conversion Blueprint Context

Convert Instanced Foliage Actor

Convert Instanced Foliage Actor

Target is Usd Conversion Blueprint Context

Convert Landscape Proxy Actor Material

Convert Landscape Proxy Actor Material

Target is Usd Conversion Blueprint Context

Convert Landscape Proxy Actor Mesh

Convert Landscape Proxy Actor Mesh

Target is Usd Conversion Blueprint Context

Convert Light Component

Note: We use FLT_MAX on these functions because Usd.TimeCode.Default().GetValue() is actually a nan, and nan arguments are automatically sanitized to 0.0f. We manually convert the FLT_MAX value into Usd.TimeCode.Default().GetValue() within the functions though, so if you want the Default timecode just omit the argument We are also forced to copypaste the FLT_MAX value (3.402823466e+38F) in here as the default arguments are parsed before the preprocessor replaces the defines

Target is Usd Conversion Blueprint Context

Convert Mesh Component

Convert Mesh Component

Target is Usd Conversion Blueprint Context

Convert Point Light Component

Convert Point Light Component

Target is Usd Conversion Blueprint Context

Convert Rect Light Component

Convert Rect Light Component

Target is Usd Conversion Blueprint Context

Convert Scene Component

Convert Scene Component

Target is Usd Conversion Blueprint Context

Convert Sky Light Component

Convert Sky Light Component

Target is Usd Conversion Blueprint Context

Convert Spot Light Component

Convert Spot Light Component

Target is Usd Conversion Blueprint Context

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