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Add Instance

Add an instance to this component. Transform can be given either in the local space of this component or world space.

Target is Paper Grouped Sprite Component

Clear Instances

Clear all instances being rendered by this component

Target is Paper Grouped Sprite Component

Get Instance Count

Get the number of instances in this component

Target is Paper Grouped Sprite Component

Get Instance Transform

Get the transform for the instance specified. Instance is returned in local space of this component unless bWorldSpace is set. Returns True on success.

Target is Paper Grouped Sprite Component

Remove Instance

Remove the instance specified. Returns True on success.

Target is Paper Grouped Sprite Component

Sort Instances Along Axis

Sort all instances by their world space position along the specified axis

Target is Paper Grouped Sprite Component

Update Instance Color

Update the color for the instance specified. Returns True on success.

Target is Paper Grouped Sprite Component

Update Instance Transform

Update the transform for the instance specified. Instance is given in local space of this component unless bWorldSpace is set. Returns True on success.

Target is Paper Grouped Sprite Component

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