

On this page


Get Ignore Time Dilation

Get whether to ignore time dilation.

Target is Timeline Component

Get Play Rate

Get the current play rate for this timeline

Target is Timeline Component

Get Playback Position

Get the current playback position of the Timeline

Target is Timeline Component

Get Timeline Length

Get length of the timeline

Target is Timeline Component

Is Looping

Get whether we are looping or not

Target is Timeline Component

Is Playing

Get whether this timeline is playing or not.

Target is Timeline Component

Is Reversing

Get whether we are reversing or not

Target is Timeline Component


Start playback of timeline

Target is Timeline Component

Play from Start

Start playback of timeline from the start

Target is Timeline Component


Start playback of timeline in reverse

Target is Timeline Component

Reverse from End

Start playback of timeline in reverse from the end

Target is Timeline Component

Set Float Curve

Update a certain float track's curve

Target is Timeline Component

Set Ignore Time Dilation

Set whether to ignore time dilation.

Target is Timeline Component

Set Linear Color Curve

Update a certain linear color track's curve

Target is Timeline Component

Set Looping

true means we would loop, false means we should not.

Target is Timeline Component

Set New Time

Set the new playback position time to use

Target is Timeline Component

Set Play Rate

Sets the new play rate for this timeline

Target is Timeline Component

Set Playback Position

Jump to a position in the timeline.

Target is Timeline Component

Set Timeline Length

Set length of the timeline

Target is Timeline Component

Set Timeline Length Mode

Sets the length mode of the timeline

Target is Timeline Component

Set Vector Curve

Update a certain vector track's curve

Target is Timeline Component


Stop playback of timeline

Target is Timeline Component

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