Control Rig

Control Rig

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Add Mapped Components

Adds a series of mapped bones to the rig

Target is Control Rig Component

Add Mapped Elements

Adds the provided mapped elements to the component

Target is Control Rig Component

Add Mapped Skeletal Mesh

Adds all matching bones to the rig

Target is Control Rig Component

Add Mapped Skeletal Mesh Bone Array

Adds a series of mapped bones to the rig

Target is Control Rig Component

Clear Mapped Elements

Removes all mapped elements from the component

Target is Control Rig Component

Create Control Rig from Skeletal Mesh or Skeleton

Create a new control rig asset within the contents space of the project based on a skeletal mesh or skeleton object.

Target is Control Rig Blueprint Factory

Create New Control Rig Asset

Create a new control rig asset within the contents space of the project.

Target is Control Rig Blueprint Factory

Does Element Exist

Returns true if an element given a type and name exists in the rig

Target is Control Rig Component

Get Absolute Time

Get the ControlRig's local time in seconds since its last initialize

Target is Control Rig Component

Get Bone Transform

Returns the transform of the bone in the requested space

Target is Control Rig Component

Get Control Bool

Returns the value of a bool control

Target is Control Rig Component

Get Control Float

Returns the value of a float control

Target is Control Rig Component

Get Control Int

Returns the value of an integer control

Target is Control Rig Component

Get Control Offset

Returns the offset transform of a control

Target is Control Rig Component

Get Control Position

Returns the value of a position control

Target is Control Rig Component

Get Control Rig

Get the ControlRig hosted by this component

Target is Control Rig Component

Get Control Rotator

Returns the value of a rotator control

Target is Control Rig Component

Get Control Scale

Returns the value of a scale control

Target is Control Rig Component

Get Control Transform

Returns the value of a transform control

Target is Control Rig Component

Get Control Vector 2D

Returns the value of a Vector3D control

Target is Control Rig Component

Get Element Names

Returns all of the names for a given element type (Bone, Control, etc)

Target is Control Rig Component

Get Initial Bone Transform

Returns the initial transform of the bone in the requested space

Target is Control Rig Component

Get Initial Space Transform

Returns the initial transform of the space in the requested space

Target is Control Rig Component

Get Space Transform

Returns the transform of the space in the requested space

Target is Control Rig Component


Initializes the rig's memory and calls the setup event

Target is Control Rig Component

On Post Forwards Solve

Event fired after this component's ControlRig is updated

On Post Initialize

Event fired after this component's ControlRig is initialized

On Post Setup

Event fired after this component's ControlRig is setup

On Pre Forwards Solve

Event fired before this component's ControlRig is updated

On Pre Setup

Event fired before this component's ControlRig is setup

Set Bone Initial Transforms From Skeletal Mesh

Setup the initial transforms / ref pose of the bones based on a skeletal mesh

Target is Control Rig Component

Set Bone Transform

Sets the transform of the bone in the requested space

Target is Control Rig Component

Set Control Bool

Sets the value of a bool control

Target is Control Rig Component

Set Control Float

Sets the value of a float control

Target is Control Rig Component

Set Control Int

Sets the value of an integer control

Target is Control Rig Component

Set Control Offset

Sets the offset transform of a control

Target is Control Rig Component

Set Control Position

Sets the value of a position control

Target is Control Rig Component

Set Control Rotator

Sets the value of a rotator control

Target is Control Rig Component

Set Control Scale

Sets the value of a scale control

Target is Control Rig Component

Set Control Transform

Sets the value of a transform control

Target is Control Rig Component

Set Control Vector 2D

Sets the value of a vector2D control

Target is Control Rig Component

Set Initial Bone Transform

Sets the initial transform of the bone in the requested space

Target is Control Rig Component

Set Initial Space Transform

Sets the transform of the space in the requested space

Target is Control Rig Component

Set Mapped Elements

Replaces the mapped elements on the component with the provided array

Target is Control Rig Component


Updates and ticks the rig.

Target is Control Rig Component




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