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Add All Patches

Adds all Patches from the active DMX Library as recording sources

Target is Take Recorder DMXLibrary Source

Bytes to Int

Return integer given an array of bytes. Up to the first 4 bytes in the array will be used for the conversion.

Target is DMXSubsystem

Bytes to Normalized Value

Return normalized value given an array of bytes. Up to the first 4 bytes in the array will be used for the conversion.

Target is DMXSubsystem

Get All DMXLibraries

Return reference to array of DMX Library objects.

Target is DMXSubsystem

Get All Fixture Types in Library

Return reference to array of Fixture Types objects in library.

Target is DMXSubsystem

Get All Fixtures in Library

Return reference to array of Fixture Patch objects in library.

Target is DMXSubsystem

Get All Fixtures in Universe

Return reference to array of Fixture Patch objects in a given universe.

Target is DMXSubsystem

Get All Fixtures Of Category

Return reference to array of Fixture Patch objects of a given category.

Target is DMXSubsystem

Get All Fixtures Of Type

Return reference to array of Fixture Patch objects of a given type.

Target is DMXSubsystem

Get All Fixtures with Tag

Return reference to array of Fixture Patch objects with a given tag.

Target is DMXSubsystem

Get Attribute Label

Gets the FName for a FDMXAttributeName, since structs can't have UFUCNTIONS to create a getter

Target is DMXSubsystem

Get DMX Attribute Values

K2Node Get DMXAttribute Values

Get DMX Fixture Patch

Get selected Fixture Patch

Get DMX Pixel Mapping Renderer Component

Node for getting Renderer Component from PixelMapping object and Renderer FName

Get DMXData from Input Port

Gets accumulated latest DMX Values from the Input Port (all that's been received since Begin Play)

Target is DMXSubsystem

Get DMXData from Output Port

Gets accumulated latest DMX Values from the Output Port (all that's been sent since Begin Play)

Target is DMXSubsystem

Get DMXInterpolated Step

Gets the interpolation delta value (step) for this frame

Target is DMXFixture Component Single

Get DMXInterpolated Value

Gets the current interpolated value

Target is DMXFixture Component Single

Get DMXTarget Value

Gets the target value towards which the component interpolates

Target is DMXFixture Component Single

Get Fixture Attributes

Return map with all DMX functions and their associated values given DMX buffer and desired universe.

Target is DMXSubsystem

Get Fixture by Name

Return reference to Fixture Patch object with a given name.

Target is DMXSubsystem

Get Fixture Patch

Gets the fixture patch used in the component

Target is DMXComponent

Get Fixture Type by Name

Return reference to Fixture Type object with a given name.

Target is DMXSubsystem

Get Parent Fixture Actor

If attached to a DMX Fixture Actor, returns the parent fixture actor.

Target is DMXFixture Component

Get Texture Center Colors

Reads pixel color in the middle of each "Texture" and output linear colors

Target is DMXFixture Component


Return the normalized value of an Int value from a Fixture Patch function.

Target is DMXSubsystem

Initialize Component

Called to initialize the component in blueprints

Target is DMXFixture Component

Int to Normalized Value

Return the normalized value of an Int value from the specified Signal Format.

Target is DMXSubsystem

Int Value to Bytes

Return the Bytes format of Value in the desired Signal Format.

Target is DMXSubsystem

Interpolate Component

Called each tick when interpolation is enabled, to calculate the next value

Target is DMXFixture Component

Is DMXInterpolation Done

True if the target value is reached and no interpolation is required

Target is DMXFixture Component Double

Is Receive DMXEnabled

Returns whether Receive DMX from the network is enabled globally.

Target is DMXProtocol Blueprint Library

Is Send DMXEnabled

Returns whether send DMX to the network is enabled globally.

Target is DMXProtocol Blueprint Library

Normalized Value to Bytes

Return the Bytes format of Value in the desired Signal Format.

Target is DMXSubsystem

On Fixture Patch Received DMX

Broadcasts when the patch received dmx

On Protocol Received

On Protocol Received

Pixel Mapping Distribution Sort

Sort an array according to the selected distribution pattern.

Target is DMXSubsystem

Send DMX

Send DMX using attribute names and integer values.

Target is DMX Fixture Patch

Send DMXTo Output Port

Sends DMX Values over the Output Port

Target is DMXSubsystem

Set Channel 1Value No Interp

Sets first value of the second channel. When interpolation is enabled this function should be called until the value is reached, else just once */

Target is DMXFixture Component Double

Set Channel 2Value No Interp

Sets second value of the second channel. When interpolation is enabled this function should be called until the value is reached, else just once

Target is DMXFixture Component Double

Set Color No Interp

Sets the color of the component. Note DMX Fixture Component Color does not support interpolation

Target is DMXFixture Component Color

Set Fixture Patch

Sets the fixture patch used in the component

Target is DMXComponent

Set Receive DMXEnabled

Sets if DMX is received from the network

Target is DMXProtocol Blueprint Library

Set Receive DMXFrom Patch

Sets whether the component receives dmx from the patch. Note, this is saved with the component when called in editor.

Target is DMXComponent

Set Send DMXEnabled

Sets if DMX is sent to the network

Target is DMXProtocol Blueprint Library


Fixture Patch

Fixture Patch

Pixel Mapping

Pixel Mapping

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