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Attach Actor

Attach the actor to his new parent. Detach the actor if he was already attach.

Target is Datasmith Scene Element Base

Attach Actor to Scene Root

Attach the actor to the scene root. Detach the actor if he was already attach.

Target is Datasmith Scene Element Base

Create Actor Binding

Create a new actor binding and add it to this variant

Target is Datasmith Variant Element

Create Camera Actor

Create a new Camera Actor and add it to the Datasmith scene

Target is Datasmith Scene Element Base

Create Level Variant Sets

Create a new level variant sets and add it to the Datasmith scene

Target is Datasmith Scene Element Base

Create Mesh

Create a new Mesh and add it to the Datasmith scene

Target is Datasmith Scene Element Base

Create Mesh Actor

Create a new MeshActor and add it to the Datasmith scene

Target is Datasmith Scene Element Base

Create Object Property Capture

Create a new object property capture and add it to this binding

Target is Datasmith Actor Binding Element

Create Property Capture

Create a new property capture and add it to this binding

Target is Datasmith Actor Binding Element

Create Texture

Create a new Texture and add it to the Datasmith scene

Target is Datasmith Scene Element Base

Create Variant

Create a new variant and add it to the parent variant set

Target is Datasmith Variant Set Element

Create Variant Set

Create a new variant set and add it to the parent level variant sets

Target is Datasmith Level Variant Sets Element

Destroy Scene

Destroy reference to the udatasmith file. The Scene will no longer be available. DestroyScene is called automatically after ImportScene.

Target is Datasmith Scene Element

Get All Camera Actors

Create an array with all the CameraActor in the Datasmith scene without taking into account the hierarchy. Use CreateCameraActor -or- RemoveCameraActor to modify the Datasmith scene.

Target is Datasmith Scene Element Base

Get All Custom Actors

Create an array with all the CustomActor in the Datasmith scene without taking into account the hierarchy. Use RemoveCustomActor to modify the Datasmith scene.

Target is Datasmith Scene Element Base

Get All Level Variant Sets

Create an array with all the level variants sets from the Datasmith scene Use CreateLevelVariantSets -or- RemoveLevelVariantSets to modify the Datasmith scene.

Target is Datasmith Scene Element Base

Get All Light Actors

Create an array with all the LightActor in the Datasmith scene without taking into account the hierarchy. Use RemoveLightActor to modify the Datasmith scene.

Target is Datasmith Scene Element Base

Get All Materials

Create an array with all the Materials in the Datasmith scene

Target is Datasmith Scene Element Base

Get All Mesh Actors

Create an array with all the MeshActor in the Datasmith scene without taking into account the hierarchy. Use CreateMeshActor -or- RemoveMeshActor to modify the Datasmith scene.

Target is Datasmith Scene Element Base

Get All Metadata

Find all metadata elements associated with objects of the given type.

Target is Datasmith Scene Element Base

Get All Objects and Values for Key

Find all objects of the given type that have a metadata element that contains the given key and their associated values.

Target is Datasmith Scene Element Base

Get All Options

List all the options structures applicable on this scene

Target is Datasmith Scene Element

Get Camera Actors

Create an array with the CameraActor in the Datasmith scene that are at the root level of the hierarchy. Use CreateCameraActor -or- RemoveCameraActor to modify the Datasmith scene.

Target is Datasmith Scene Element Base

Get Custom Actors

Create an array with the CustomActor in the Datasmith scene that are at the root level of the hierarchy. Use RemoveCustomActor to modify the Datasmith scene.

Target is Datasmith Scene Element Base

Get Export Duration

Returns the time taken to export the scene

Target is Datasmith Scene Element Base

Get Exporter Version

Returns the Datasmith version used to export the scene

Target is Datasmith Scene Element Base

Get Host

Sets the name of the host application which created the scene

Target is Datasmith Scene Element Base

Get Light Actors

Create an array with the LightActor in the Datasmith scene that are at the root level of the hierarchy. Use RemoveLightActor to modify the Datasmith scene.

Target is Datasmith Scene Element Base

Get Mesh Actors

Create an array with the MeshActor in the Datasmith scene that are at the root level of the hierarchy. Use CreateMeshActor -or- RemoveMeshActor to modify the Datasmith scene.

Target is Datasmith Scene Element Base

Get Mesh by Path Name

Find in the Datasmith scene the MeshElement that correspond to the mesh path name. The function will return an invalid MeshElement, if the MeshPathName is empty or if it's not relative to the Datasmith scene or if it's not found.

Target is Datasmith Scene Element Base

Get Meshes

Create an array with all the Mesh in the Datasmith scene. Use CreateMesh -or- RemoveMesh to modify the Datasmith scene.

Target is Datasmith Scene Element Base

Get Metadata For Object

Get Meta Data for Object

Target is Datasmith Scene Element Base

Get Metadata Keys And Values For Value

Get the keys and values for which the associated value contains the string to match for the metadata element associated with the given object.

Target is Datasmith Scene Element Base

Get Metadata Value For Key

Get the value associated with the given key of the metadata element associated with the given object.

Target is Datasmith Scene Element Base

Get Options

Fetch the typed options for this scene

Target is Datasmith Scene Element

Get Post Process

Get the Postprocess used by the scene. Can be invalid.

Target is Datasmith Scene Element Base

Get Product Name

Returns the product name of the application used to export the scene

Target is Datasmith Scene Element Base

Get Product Version

Returns the product version of the application used to export the scene

Target is Datasmith Scene Element Base

Get Textures

Create an array with all the Textures in the Datasmith scene. Call CreateTexture -or- RemoveTexture to modify the Datasmith scene.

Target is Datasmith Scene Element Base

Get Use Physical Sky

Physical Sky could be generated in a large amount of modes, like material, lights etc that's why it has been added as static, just enable it and it is done. Notice that if a HDRI environment is used this gets disabled.

Target is Datasmith Scene Element Base

Get User ID

Returns the user identifier who exported the scene

Target is Datasmith Scene Element Base

Get User OS

Returns the OS name used by user who exported the scene

Target is Datasmith Scene Element Base

Get Vendor

Returns the vendor name of the application used to export the scene

Target is Datasmith Scene Element Base

Import Scene

Import a Datasmith Scene created with ConstructDatasmithSceneFromFile.

Target is Datasmith Scene Element

Import Scenes

Import a Datasmith Scene created with ConstructDatasmithSceneFromFiles into an array of scenes.

Target is Datasmith Scene Element

Reimport Scene

Reimport a scene opened with GetExistingDatasmithScene

Target is Datasmith Scene Element

Remove Camera Actor

Remove the Camera actor from the Datasmith scene

Target is Datasmith Scene Element Base

Remove Custom Actor

Remove the LightActor from the Datasmith scene

Target is Datasmith Scene Element Base

Remove Level Variant Sets

Remove the level variant sets from the Datasmith scene

Target is Datasmith Scene Element Base

Remove Light Actor

Remove the LightActor from the Datasmith scene

Target is Datasmith Scene Element Base

Remove Material

Remove the material from the Datasmith scene

Target is Datasmith Scene Element Base

Remove Mesh

Remove the mesh from the Datasmith scene

Target is Datasmith Scene Element Base

Remove Mesh Actor

Remove the MeshActor from the Datasmith scene

Target is Datasmith Scene Element Base

Remove Texture

Remove the Texture from the Datasmith scene

Target is Datasmith Scene Element Base

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