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Checkout Asset

Checkout the asset from the Content Browser.

Target is Editor Asset Library

Checkout Directory

Checkout assets from the Content Browser. It will load the assets if needed. All objects that are in the directory will be checkout. Assets will be loaded before being checkout.

Target is Editor Asset Library

Checkout Loaded Asset

Checkout the asset from the Content Browser.

Target is Editor Asset Library

Checkout Loaded Assets

Checkout the assets from the Content Browser.

Target is Editor Asset Library

Consolidate Assets

Consolidates an asset by replacing all references/uses of the provided AssetsToConsolidate with references to AssetToConsolidateTo. This is useful when you want all references of assets to be replaced by a single asset. The function first attempts to directly replace all relevant references located within objects that are already loaded and in memory. Next, it deletes the AssetsToConsolidate, leaving behind object redirectors to AssetToConsolidateTo.

Target is Editor Asset Library

Delete Asset

Delete the package the assets live in. All objects that live in the package will be deleted. This is a Force Delete. It doesn't check if the asset has references in other Levels or by Actors. It will close all the asset editors and may clear the Transaction buffer (Undo History). Will try to mark the file as deleted. The Asset will be loaded before being deleted.

Target is Editor Asset Library

Delete Directory

Delete the packages inside a directory. If the directory is then empty, delete the directory. This is a Force Delete. It doesn't check if the assets have references in other Levels or by Actors. It will close all the asset editors and may clear the Transaction buffer (Undo History). Will try to mark the file as deleted. Assets will be loaded before being deleted. The search is always recursive. It will try to delete the sub folders.

Target is Editor Asset Library

Delete Loaded Asset

Delete an asset from the Content Browser that is already loaded. This is a Force Delete. It doesn't check if the asset has references in other Levels or by Actors. It will close all the asset editors and may clear the Transaction buffer (Undo History). Will try to mark the file as deleted.

Target is Editor Asset Library

Delete Loaded Assets

Delete assets from the Content Browser that are already loaded. This is a Force Delete. It doesn't check if the assets have references in other Levels or by Actors. It will close all the asset editors and may clear the Transaction buffer (Undo History). Will try to mark the files as deleted.

Target is Editor Asset Library

Do Assets Exist

Check if the assets exist in the Content Browser.

Target is Editor Asset Library

Does Asset Exist

Check if the asset exists in the Content Browser.

Target is Editor Asset Library

Does Directory Exist

Check is the directory exist in the Content Browser.

Target is Editor Asset Library

Does Directory Have Assets

Check if there any asset that exist in the directory.

Target is Editor Asset Library

Duplicate Asset

Duplicate an asset from the Content Browser. Will try to checkout the file. The Asset will be loaded before being duplicated.

Target is Editor Asset Library

Duplicate Directory

Duplicate asset from the Content Browser that are in the folder. Will try to checkout the files. The Assets will be loaded before being duplicated.

Target is Editor Asset Library

Duplicate Loaded Asset

Duplicate an asset from the Content Browser that is already loaded. Will try to checkout the file.

Target is Editor Asset Library

Find Asset Data

Return the AssetData for the Asset that can then be used with the more complex lib AssetRegistryHelpers.

Target is Editor Asset Library

Find Package Referencers for Asset

Find Package Referencers for an asset. Only Soft and Hard dependencies would be looked for. Soft are dependencies which don't need to be loaded for the object to be used. Had are dependencies which are required for correct usage of the source asset and must be loaded at the same time. Other references may exist. The asset may be currently used in memory by another asset, by the editor or by code. Package dependencies are cached with the asset. False positive can happen until all the assets are loaded and re-saved.

Target is Editor Asset Library

Get Path Name for Loaded Asset

Return a valid AssetPath for a loaded asset. The asset need to be a valid asset in the Content Browser. Similar to GetPathName(). The format will be: /Game/MyFolder/MyAsset.MyAsset

Target is Editor Asset Library

Get Tag Values

Gets all TagValues (from Asset Registry) associated with an (unloaded) asset as strings value.

Target is Editor Asset Library

List Asset by Tag Value

Return the list of all the assets that have the pair of Tag/Value.

Target is Editor Asset Library

List Assets

Return the list of all the assets found in the DirectoryPath.

Target is Editor Asset Library

Load Asset

Load an asset from the Content Browser. It will verify if the object is already loaded and only load it if it's necessary.

Target is Editor Asset Library

Load Blueprint Class

Load a Blueprint asset from the Content Browser and return its generated class. It will verify if the object is already loaded and only load it if it's necessary.

Target is Editor Asset Library

Make Directory

Create the directory on disk and in the Content Browser.

Target is Editor Asset Library

Rename Asset

Rename an asset from the Content Browser. Equivalent to a Move operation. Will try to checkout the file. The Asset will be loaded before being renamed.

Target is Editor Asset Library

Rename Directory

Rename assets from the Content Browser that are in the folder. Equivalent to a Move operation. Will try to checkout the files. The Assets will be loaded before being renamed.

Target is Editor Asset Library

Rename Loaded Asset

Rename an asset from the Content Browser that is already loaded. Equivalent to a Move operation. Will try to checkout the files.

Target is Editor Asset Library

Save Asset

Save the packages the assets live in. All objects that live in the package will be saved. Will try to checkout the file first. The Asset will be loaded before being saved.

Target is Editor Asset Library

Save Directory

Save the packages the assets live in inside the directory. All objects that are in the directory will be saved. Will try to checkout the file first. Assets will be loaded before being saved.

Target is Editor Asset Library

Save Loaded Asset

Save the packages the assets live in. All objects that live in the package will be saved. Will try to checkout the file.

Target is Editor Asset Library

Save Loaded Assets

Save the packages the assets live in. All objects that live in the package will be saved. Will try to checkout the files.

Target is Editor Asset Library

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