Editor Loading And Saving

Editor Loading And Saving

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Export Scene

Exports the current scene

Target is Editor Loading and Saving Utils

Get Dirty Content Packages

Appends array with all currently dirty content packages.

Target is Editor Loading and Saving Utils

Get Dirty Map Packages

Appends array with all currently dirty map packages.

Target is Editor Loading and Saving Utils

Import Scene

Imports a file such as (FBX or obj) and spawns actors f into the current level

Target is Editor Loading and Saving Utils

Load Map

Loads the specified map. Does not prompt the user to save the current map.

Target is Editor Loading and Saving Utils

Load Map with Dialog

Prompts the user to save the current map if necessary, the presents a load dialog and loads a new map if selected by the user.

Target is Editor Loading and Saving Utils

New Blank Map

New Blank Map

Target is Editor Loading and Saving Utils

New Map from Template

New Map from Template

Target is Editor Loading and Saving Utils

Reload Packages

Helper function that attempts to reload the specified top-level packages.

Target is Editor Loading and Saving Utils

Save Current Level

Saves the active level, prompting the use for checkout if necessary.

Target is Editor Loading and Saving Utils

Save Dirty Packages

Looks at all currently loaded packages and saves them if their "bDirty" flag is set. Assume all dirty packages should be saved and check out from source control (if enabled).

Target is Editor Loading and Saving Utils

Save Dirty Packages with Dialog

Looks at all currently loaded packages and saves them if their "bDirty" flag is set. Prompt the user to select which dirty packages to save and check them out from source control (if enabled).

Target is Editor Loading and Saving Utils

Save Map

Saves the specified map, returning true on success.

Target is Editor Loading and Saving Utils

Save Packages

Save all packages. Assume all dirty packages should be saved and check out from source control (if enabled).

Target is Editor Loading and Saving Utils

Save Packages with Dialog

Save all packages. Optionally prompting the user to select which packages to save. Prompt the user to select which dirty packages to save and check them out from source control (if enabled).

Target is Editor Loading and Saving Utils

Unload Packages

Unloads a list of packages

Target is Editor Loading and Saving Utils

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