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Create Event

Create an event from a previously created blueprint endpoint and a payload. The resulting event should be added only to a channel of the section that was given as a parameter.

Target is Sequencer Tools Function Library

Create Quick Binding

Create a quick binding to an actor's member method to be used in an event sequence.

Target is Sequencer Tools Function Library

Export Anim Sequence

  • @InWorld World to export

  • @InSequence Sequence to export

  • @AnimSequence The AnimSequence to save into.

  • @ExportOption The export options for the sequence.

  • @InBinding Binding to export that has a skelmesh component on it

  • @InAnimSequenceFilename File to create

Target is Sequencer Tools Function Library

Is Event Endpoint Valid

Check if an endpoint is valid and can be used to create movie scene event.

Target is Sequencer Tools Function Library

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