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Activate Touch Interface

Activates a new touch interface for this player controller

Target is Player Controller

Add New Camera Modifier

Creates and initializes a new camera modifier of the specified class.

Target is Player Camera Manager

Add Pitch Input

Add Pitch (look up) input. This value is multiplied by InputPitchScale.

Target is Player Controller

Add Roll Input

Add Roll input. This value is multiplied by InputRollScale.

Target is Player Controller

Add Yaw Input

Add Yaw (turn) input. This value is multiplied by InputYawScale.

Target is Player Controller


Convert current mouse 2D position to World Space 3D position and direction. Returns false if unable to determine value. *

Target is Player Controller


Convert 2D screen position to World Space 3D position and direction. Returns false if unable to determine value. *

Target is Player Controller


Convert a World Space 3D position into a 2D Screen Space position.

Target is Player Controller

Find Camera Modifier by Class

Returns camera modifier for this camera of the given class, if it exists. Exact class match only. If there are multiple modifiers of the same class, the first one is returned.

Target is Player Camera Manager

Get Hit Result Under Cursor by Channel

Performs a collision query under the mouse cursor, looking on a trace channel

Target is Player Controller

Get Hit Result Under Cursor for Objects

Performs a collision query under the mouse cursor, looking for object types

Target is Player Controller

Get Hit Result Under Finger by Channel

Performs a collision query under the finger, looking on a trace channel

Target is Player Controller

Get Hit Result Under Finger for Objects

Performs a collision query under the finger, looking for object types

Target is Player Controller

Get Input Analog Key State

Returns the analog value for the given key/button. If analog isn't supported, returns 1 for down and 0 for up.

Target is Player Controller

Get Input Analog Stick State

Retrieves the X and Y displacement of the given analog stick.

Target is Player Controller

Get Input Key Time Down

Returns how long the given key/button has been down. Returns 0 if it's up or it just went down this frame.

Target is Player Controller

Get Input Motion State

Retrieves the current motion state of the player's input device

Target is Player Controller

Get Input Mouse Delta

Retrieves how far the mouse moved this frame.

Target is Player Controller

Get Input Touch State

Retrieves the X and Y screen coordinates of the specified touch key. Returns false if the touch index is not down

Target is Player Controller

Get Input Vector Key State

Returns the vector value for the given key/button.

Target is Player Controller

Get Mouse Position

Retrieves the X and Y screen coordinates of the mouse cursor. Returns false if there is no associated mouse device

Target is Player Controller

Get Owning Player Controller

Returns the PlayerController that owns this camera.

Target is Player Camera Manager

Is Input Key Down

Returns true if the given key/button is pressed on the input of the controller (if present)

Target is Player Controller

Remove Camera Modifier

Removes the given camera modifier from this camera (if it's on the camera in the first place) and discards it.

Target is Player Camera Manager

Set View Target with Blend

Set the view target blending with variable control

Target is Player Controller

Set Virtual Joystick Visibility

Set the virtual joystick visibility.

Target is Player Controller


Positions the mouse cursor in screen space, in pixels.

Target is Player Controller

Was Input Key Just Pressed

Returns true if the given key/button was up last frame and down this frame.

Target is Player Controller

Was Input Key Just Released

Returns true if the given key/button was down last frame and up this frame.

Target is Player Controller

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