Lazy Image

Lazy Image

On this page


Is Loading

Is Loading

Target is Common Lazy Image

On Loading State Changed

BP on Loading State Changed

Set Brush from Lazy Display Asset

Set the brush from a string asset ref only - expects the referenced asset to be a texture or material.

Target is Common Lazy Image

Set Brush from Lazy Material

Set the brush from a lazy material asset pointer - will load the material as needed.

Target is Common Lazy Image

Set Brush from Lazy Texture

Set the brush from a lazy texture asset pointer - will load the texture as needed.

Target is Common Lazy Image

Set Material Texture Param Name

Establishes the name of the texture parameter on the currently applied brush material to which textures should be applied. Does nothing if the current brush resource object is not a material.

Note: that this is cleared out automatically if/when a new material is established on the brush. You must call this function again after doing so if the new material has a texture param.

Target is Common Lazy Image

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