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Break Color

Breaks apart a color into individual RGB components (as well as alpha)

Target is Kismet Math Library

Desaturate (LinearColor)

Returns a desaturated color, with 0 meaning no desaturation and 1 == full desaturation

Target is Kismet Math Library

Distance (LinearColor)

Euclidean distance between two color points.

Target is Kismet Math Library

Equal (LinearColor)

Returns true if linear color A is equal to linear color B (A == B) within a specified error tolerance

Target is Kismet Math Library


Make a color from individual color components (HSV space; Hue is [0..360) while Saturation and Value are 0..1)

Target is Kismet Math Library

HSV to RGB (Vector)

Converts a HSV linear color (where H is in R (0..360), S is in G (0..1), and V is in B (0..1)) to RGB

Target is Kismet Math Library

HSV to RGB linear color

Converts a HSV linear color (where H is in R, S is in G, and V is in B) to linear RGB

Target is Kismet Math Library

Lerp (LinearColor)

Linearly interpolates between A and B based on Alpha (100% of A when Alpha=0 and 100% of B when Alpha=1)

Target is Kismet Math Library

Lerp Using HSV (LinearColor)

Linearly interpolates between two colors by the specified Alpha amount (100% of A when Alpha=0 and 100% of B when Alpha=1). The interpolation is performed in HSV color space taking the shortest path to the new color's hue. This can give better results than a normal lerp, but is much more expensive. The incoming colors are in RGB space, and the output color will be RGB. The alpha value will also be interpolated.

Target is Kismet Math Library

Linear Color Black

Black linear color

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Linear Color Blue

Blue linear color

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Linear Color Gray

Grey linear color

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Linear Color Green

Green linear color

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Linear Color Red

Red linear color

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Linear Color Set

Assign contents of InColor

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Linear Color Set from HSV

Assigns an HSV color to a linear space RGB color

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Linear Color Set from Pow 22

Assigns an FColor coming from an observed Pow(1/2.2) output, into a linear color.

Target is Kismet Math Library

Linear Color Set from SRGB

Assigns an FColor coming from an observed sRGB output, into a linear color.

Target is Kismet Math Library

Linear Color Set Random Hue

Sets to a random color. Choses a quite nice color based on a random hue.

Target is Kismet Math Library

Linear Color Set RGBA

Assign individual linear RGBA components.

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Linear Color Set Temperature

Converts temperature in Kelvins of a black body radiator to RGB chromaticity.

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Linear Color Transparent

Transparent linear color - black with 0 opacity/alpha

Target is Kismet Math Library

Linear Color White

White linear color

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Linear Color Yellow

Yellow linear color

Target is Kismet Math Library

LinearColor - LinearColor

Element-wise subtraction of two linear colors (R-R, G-G, B-B, A-A)

Target is Kismet Math Library

LinearColor * Float

Element-wise multiplication of a linear color by a float (F*R, F*G, F*B, F*A)

Target is Kismet Math Library

LinearColor * LinearColor

Element-wise multiplication of two linear colors (R*R, G*G, B*B, A*A)

Target is Kismet Math Library

LinearColor / LinearColor

Element-wise multiplication of two linear colors (R/R, G/G, B/B, A/A)

Target is Kismet Math Library

LinearColor + LinearColor

Element-wise addition of two linear colors (R+R, G+G, B+B, A+A)

Target is Kismet Math Library

Luminance (LinearColor)

Returns the perceived brightness of a color on a display taking into account the impact on the human eye per color channel: green > red > blue.

Target is Kismet Math Library

Make Color

Make a color from individual color components (RGB space)

Target is Kismet Math Library

Max (LinearColor)

Returns the maximum color channel value in this color structure

Target is Kismet Math Library

Min (LinearColor)

Returns the minimum color channel value in this color structure

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Near Equal (LinearColor)

Returns true if linear color A is equal to linear color B (A == B) within a specified error tolerance

Target is Kismet Math Library

New Opacity (LinearColor)

Returns a copy of this color using the specified opacity/alpha.

Target is Kismet Math Library

Not Equal (LinearColor)

Returns true if linear color A is not equal to linear color B (A != B) within a specified error tolerance

Target is Kismet Math Library

Quantize to 8-bit (LinearColor)

Quantizes the linear color and returns the result as an 8-bit color. This bypasses the SRGB conversion.

Target is Kismet Math Library

Quantize with rounding to 8-bit (LinearColor)

Quantizes the linear color with rounding and returns the result as an 8-bit color. This bypasses the SRGB conversion.

Target is Kismet Math Library


Breaks apart a color into individual HSV components (as well as alpha) (Hue is [0..360) while Saturation and Value are 0..1)

Target is Kismet Math Library

RGB to HSV (Vector)

Converts a RGB linear color to HSV (where H is in R (0..360), S is in G (0..1), and V is in B (0..1))

Target is Kismet Math Library

RGB to HSV linear color

Converts a RGB linear color to HSV (where H is in R, S is in G, and V is in B)

Target is Kismet Math Library

Select Color

If bPickA is true, A is returned, otherwise B is

Target is Kismet Math Library

ToRGBE (LinearColor)

Convert from linear to 8-bit RGBE as outlined in Gregory Ward's Real Pixels article, Graphics Gems II, page 80.

Target is Kismet Math Library

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