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% (float)

Modulo (A % B)

Target is Kismet Math Library

Absolute (float)

Returns the absolute (positive) value of A

Target is Kismet Math Library


Rounds A up towards positive infinity / up to the next integer (e.g., -1.6 becomes -1 and 1.6 becomes 2)

Target is Kismet Math Library

Ceil to Int64

Rounds A up towards positive infinity / up to the next integer (e.g., -1.6 becomes -1 and 1.6 becomes 2)

Target is Kismet Math Library

Clamp (float)

Returns Value clamped between A and B (inclusive)

Target is Kismet Math Library

Clamp Angle

Clamps an arbitrary angle to be between the given angles. Will clamp to nearest boundary.

Target is Kismet Math Library

Division (whole and remainder)

Returns the number of times Divisor will go into Dividend (i.e., Dividend divided by Divisor), as well as the remainder

Target is Kismet Math Library

Equal (float)

Returns true if A is exactly equal to B (A == B)

Target is Kismet Math Library


Returns exponential(e) to the power A (e^A)

Target is Kismet Math Library

FInterp Ease in Out

Interpolate between A and B, applying an ease in/out function. Exp controls the degree of the curve.

Target is Kismet Math Library

Fixed Turn

Returns a new rotation component value

Target is Kismet Math Library

float - float

Subtraction (A - B)

Target is Kismet Math Library

float > float

Returns true if A is greater than B (A > B)

Target is Kismet Math Library

float >= float

Returns true if A is greater than or equal to B (A >= B)

Target is Kismet Math Library

float < float

Returns true if A is Less than B (A < B)

Target is Kismet Math Library

float <= float

Returns true if A is Less than or equal to B (A <= B)

Target is Kismet Math Library

float * float

Multiplication (A * B)

Target is Kismet Math Library

float / float

Division (A / B)

Target is Kismet Math Library

float + float

Addition (A + B)

Target is Kismet Math Library


Rounds A down towards negative infinity / down to the previous integer (e.g., -1.6 becomes -2 and 1.6 becomes 1)

Target is Kismet Math Library

Floor to Int64

Rounds A down towards negative infinity / down to the previous integer (e.g., -1.6 becomes -2 and 1.6 becomes 1)

Target is Kismet Math Library


Returns the fractional part of a float.

Target is Kismet Math Library


Returns the hypotenuse of a right-angled triangle given the width and height.

Target is Kismet Math Library

InRange (float)

Returns true if value is between Min and Max (V >= Min && V <= Max) If InclusiveMin is true, value needs to be equal or larger than Min, else it needs to be larger If InclusiveMax is true, value needs to be smaller or equal than Max, else it needs to be smaller

Target is Kismet Math Library

int * float

Multiplication (A * B)

Target is Kismet Math Library


Linearly interpolates between A and B based on Alpha (100% of A when Alpha=0 and 100% of B when Alpha=1)

Target is Kismet Math Library


Returns log of A base B (if B^R == A, returns R)

Target is Kismet Math Library


Returns natural log of A (if e^R == A, returns R)

Target is Kismet Math Library

Make Literal Float

Creates a literal float

Target is Kismet System Library

Make Pulsating Value

Simple function to create a pulsating scalar value

Target is Kismet Math Library

Map Range Clamped

Returns Value mapped from one range into another where the Value is clamped to the Input Range. (e.g. 0.5 normalized from the range 0->1 to 0->50 would result in 25)

Target is Kismet Math Library

Map Range Unclamped

Returns Value mapped from one range into another. (e.g. 20 normalized from the range 10->50 to 20->40 would result in 25)

Target is Kismet Math Library

Max (float)

Returns the maximum value of A and B

Target is Kismet Math Library

Max Of Float Array

Returns max of all array entries and the index at which it was found. Returns value of 0 and index of -1 if the supplied array is empty.

Target is Kismet Math Library

Min (float)

Returns the minimum value of A and B

Target is Kismet Math Library

Min Of Float Array

Returns min of all array entries and the index at which it was found. Returns value of 0 and index of -1 if the supplied array is empty.

Target is Kismet Math Library

Multiply by Pi

Multiplies the input value by pi.

Target is Kismet Math Library

Nearly Equal (float)

Returns true if A is nearly equal to B (|A - B| < ErrorTolerance)

Target is Kismet Math Library

Normalize to Range

Returns Value normalized to the given range. (e.g. 20 normalized to the range 10->50 would result in 0.25)

Target is Kismet Math Library

NotEqual (float)

Returns true if A does not equal B (A != B)

Target is Kismet Math Library


Power (Base to the Exp-th power)

Target is Kismet Math Library


Rounds A to the nearest integer (e.g., -1.6 becomes -2 and 1.6 becomes 2)

Target is Kismet Math Library

Round to Int64

Rounds A to the nearest integer (e.g., -1.6 becomes -2 and 1.6 becomes 2)

Target is Kismet Math Library

Safe Divide

This functions returns 0 if B (the denominator) is zero

Target is Kismet Math Library

Select Float

If bPickA is true, A is returned, otherwise B is

Target is Kismet Math Library

Sign (float)

Sign (float, returns -1 if A < 0, 0 if A is zero, and +1 if A > 0)

Target is Kismet Math Library

Snap to grid (float)

Snaps a value to the nearest grid multiple. E.g., Location = 5.1, GridSize = 10.0 : return value = 10.0 If GridSize is 0 Location is returned if GridSize is very small precision issues may occur.

Target is Kismet Math Library


Returns square root of A

Target is Kismet Math Library


Returns square of A (A*A)

Target is Kismet Math Library


Rounds A towards zero, truncating the fractional part (e.g., -1.6 becomes -1 and 1.6 becomes 1)

Target is Kismet Math Library

Truncate (Vector)

Rounds A to an integer with truncation towards zero for each element in a vector. (e.g. -1.7 truncated to -1, 2.8 truncated to 2)

Target is Kismet Math Library

Truncate to Int64

Rounds A towards zero, truncating the fractional part (e.g., -1.6 becomes -1 and 1.6 becomes 1)

Target is Kismet Math Library

Wrap (float)

Returns Value wrapped from A and B (inclusive)

Target is Kismet Math Library

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