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% (integer)

Modulo (A % B)

Target is Kismet Math Library

Absolute (integer)

Returns the absolute (positive) value of A

Target is Kismet Math Library

Bitwise AND

Bitwise AND (A & B)

Target is Kismet Math Library

Bitwise NOT

Bitwise NOT (~A)

Target is Kismet Math Library

Bitwise OR

Bitwise OR (A | B)

Target is Kismet Math Library

Bitwise XOR

Bitwise XOR (A ^ B)

Target is Kismet Math Library

Clamp (integer)

Returns Value clamped to be between A and B (inclusive)

Target is Kismet Math Library

Equal (integer)

Returns true if A is equal to B (A == B)

Target is Kismet Math Library

InRange (integer)

Returns true if value is between Min and Max (V >= Min && V <= Max) If InclusiveMin is true, value needs to be equal or larger than Min, else it needs to be larger If InclusiveMax is true, value needs to be smaller or equal than Max, else it needs to be smaller

Target is Kismet Math Library

int - int

Subtraction (A - B)

Target is Kismet Math Library

int * int

Multiplication (A * B)

Target is Kismet Math Library

int / int

Division (A / B)

Target is Kismet Math Library

int + int

Addition (A + B)

Target is Kismet Math Library

integer > integer

Returns true if A is greater than B (A > B)

Target is Kismet Math Library

integer >= integer

Returns true if A is greater than or equal to B (A >= B)

Target is Kismet Math Library

integer < integer

Returns true if A is less than B (A < B)

Target is Kismet Math Library

integer <= integer

Returns true if A is less than or equal to B (A <= B)

Target is Kismet Math Library

Make Literal Int

Creates a literal integer

Target is Kismet System Library

Max (integer)

Returns the maximum value of A and B

Target is Kismet Math Library

Max Of Int Array

Returns max of all array entries and the index at which it was found. Returns value of 0 and index of -1 if the supplied array is empty.

Target is Kismet Math Library

Min (integer)

Returns the minimum value of A and B

Target is Kismet Math Library

Min Of Int Array

Returns min of all array entries and the index at which it was found. Returns value of 0 and index of -1 if the supplied array is empty.

Target is Kismet Math Library

NotEqual (integer)

Returns true if A is not equal to B (A != B)

Target is Kismet Math Library

Select Int

If bPickA is true, A is returned, otherwise B is

Target is Kismet Math Library

Sign (integer)

Sign (integer, returns -1 if A < 0, 0 if A is zero, and +1 if A > 0)

Target is Kismet Math Library

Wrap (integer)

Returns Value between A and B (inclusive) that wraps around

Target is Kismet Math Library

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