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Break Rot Into Axes

Breaks apart a rotator into its component axes

Target is Kismet Math Library

Break Rotator

Breaks apart a rotator into {Roll, Pitch, Yaw} angles in degrees

Target is Kismet Math Library

Clamp Axis

Clamps an angle to the range of [0, 360].

Target is Kismet Math Library


Combine 2 rotations to give you the resulting rotation of first applying A, then B.

Target is Kismet Math Library

Delta (Rotator)

Normalized A-B

Target is Kismet Math Library

Equal (Rotator)

Returns true if rotator A is equal to rotator B (A == B) within a specified error tolerance

Target is Kismet Math Library

Find Look at Rotation

Find a rotation for an object at Start location to point at Target location.

Target is Kismet Math Library

Get Axes

Get the reference frame direction vectors (axes) described by this rotation

Target is Kismet Math Library


Get the X direction vector after this rotation

Target is Kismet Math Library


Negate a rotator

Target is Kismet Math Library

Lerp (Rotator)

Linearly interpolates between A and B based on Alpha (100% of A when Alpha=0 and 100% of B when Alpha=1)

Target is Kismet Math Library

Make Rot from X

Builds a rotator given only a XAxis. Y and Z are unspecified but will be orthonormal. XAxis need not be normalized.

Target is Kismet Math Library

Make Rot from XY

Builds a matrix with given X and Y axes. X will remain fixed, Y may be changed minimally to enforce orthogonality. Z will be computed. Inputs need not be normalized.

Target is Kismet Math Library

Make Rot from XZ

Builds a matrix with given X and Z axes. X will remain fixed, Z may be changed minimally to enforce orthogonality. Y will be computed. Inputs need not be normalized.

Target is Kismet Math Library

Make Rot from Y

Builds a rotation matrix given only a YAxis. X and Z are unspecified but will be orthonormal. YAxis need not be normalized.

Target is Kismet Math Library

Make Rot from YX

Builds a matrix with given Y and X axes. Y will remain fixed, X may be changed minimally to enforce orthogonality. Z will be computed. Inputs need not be normalized.

Target is Kismet Math Library

Make Rot from YZ

Builds a matrix with given Y and Z axes. Y will remain fixed, Z may be changed minimally to enforce orthogonality. X will be computed. Inputs need not be normalized.

Target is Kismet Math Library

Make Rot from Z

Builds a rotation matrix given only a ZAxis. X and Y are unspecified but will be orthonormal. ZAxis need not be normalized.

Target is Kismet Math Library

Make Rot from ZX

Builds a matrix with given Z and X axes. Z will remain fixed, X may be changed minimally to enforce orthogonality. Y will be computed. Inputs need not be normalized.

Target is Kismet Math Library

Make Rot from ZY

Builds a matrix with given Z and Y axes. Z will remain fixed, Y may be changed minimally to enforce orthogonality. X will be computed. Inputs need not be normalized.

Target is Kismet Math Library

Make Rotation from Axes

Build a reference frame from three axes

Target is Kismet Math Library

Make Rotator

Makes a rotator {Roll, Pitch, Yaw} from rotation values supplied in degrees

Target is Kismet Math Library

Normalize Axis

Clamps an angle to the range of [-180, 180].

Target is Kismet Math Library

Not Equal (Rotator)

Returns true if rotator A is not equal to rotator B (A != B) within a specified error tolerance

Target is Kismet Math Library


Returns rotator representing rotator A scaled by B

Target is Kismet Math Library

ScaleRotator (integer)

Returns rotator representing rotator A scaled by B

Target is Kismet Math Library

Select Rotator

If bPickA is true, A is returned, otherwise B is

Target is Kismet Math Library

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