Vector 2D

Vector 2D

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Break Vector 2D

Breaks a 2D vector apart into X, Y.

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Clamp Axes 2D

Creates a copy of this vector with both axes clamped to the given range.

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Cross Product (2D)

Returns the cross product of two 2d vectors - see

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Distance 2D

Distance between two 2D points.

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Distance Squared 2D

Squared distance between two 2D points.

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Dot Product (2D)

Returns the dot product of two 2d vectors - see

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Equal (Vector2D)

Returns true if vector2D A is equal to vector2D B (A == B) within a specified error tolerance

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Get Abs 2D

Get a copy of this vector with absolute value of each component.

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Get Abs Max 2D

Get the maximum absolute value of the vector's components.

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Get Max 2D

Get the maximum value of the vector's components.

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Get Min 2D

Get the minimum value of the vector's components.

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Get Rotated 2D

Rotates around axis (0,0,1)

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Is Nearly Zero 2D

Checks whether vector is near to zero within a specified tolerance.

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Is Zero 2D

Checks whether all components of the vector are exactly zero.

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Make Vector 2D

Makes a 2d vector {X, Y}

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Negated 2D

Gets a negated copy of the vector.

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Normal Safe (Vector2D)

Gets a normalized copy of the vector, checking it is safe to do so based on the length. Returns zero vector if vector length is too small to safely normalize.

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Normalize In Place (Vector2D)

Normalize this vector in-place if it is large enough, set it to (0,0) otherwise.

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Returns a unit normal version of the 2D vector

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Not Equal (Vector2D)

Returns true if vector2D A is not equal to vector2D B (A != B) within a specified error tolerance

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Not Equal Exactly (Vector)

Returns true if vector A is not equal to vector B (A != B)

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Not Equal Exactly (Vector2D)

Returns true if vector2D A is not equal to vector2D B (A != B) within a specified error tolerance

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Set 2D

Set the values of the vector directly.

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Spherical2D To Unit Cartesian

Converts spherical coordinates on the unit sphere into a Cartesian unit length vector.

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To Direction And Length

Util to convert this vector into a unit direction vector and its original length.

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To Rounded (Vector2D)

Get this vector as a vector where each component has been rounded to the nearest int.

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To sign (+1/-1) 2D

Get a copy of the vector as sign only. Each component is set to +1 or -1, with the sign of zero treated as +1.

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Vector 2D One

2D one vector constant (1,1)

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Vector 2D Unit 45Deg

2D unit vector constant along the 45 degree angle or symmetrical positive axes (sqrt(.5),sqrt(.5)) or (.707,.707).

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Vector 2D Zero

2D zero vector constant (0,0)

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vector2d - float

Returns Vector A subtracted by B

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vector2d - vector2d

Returns subtraction of Vector B from Vector A (A - B)

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vector2d * float

Returns Vector A scaled by B

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vector2d * vector2d

Element-wise Vector multiplication (Result = {A.x*B.x, A.y*B.y})

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vector2d / float

Returns Vector A divided by B

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vector2d / vector2d

Element-wise Vector divide (Result = {A.x/B.x, A.y/B.y})

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vector2d + float

Returns Vector A added by B

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vector2d + vector2d

Returns addition of Vector A and Vector B (A + B)

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Returns the length of a 2D Vector.

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Returns the squared length of a 2D Vector.

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