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Get Current Active Montage

Get a current Active Montage in this AnimInstance. Note that there might be multiple Active at the same time. This will only return the first active one it finds. *

Target is Anim Instance

Get Default Blend Out Time

Get Default Blend Out Time

Target is Anim Montage

Is Any Montage Playing

Returns true if any montage is playing currently. Doesn't mean it's active though, it could be blending out.

Target is Anim Instance

Montage Get Blend Time

Get the current blend time of the Montage. If Montage reference is NULL, it will return the current blend time on the first active Montage found.

Target is Anim Instance

Montage Get Current Section

Returns the name of the current animation montage section.

Target is Anim Instance

Montage Get Is Stopped

return true if Montage is not currently active. (not valid or blending out)

Target is Anim Instance

Montage Get Play Rate

Get PlayRate for Montage. If Montage reference is NULL, PlayRate for any Active Montage will be returned. If Montage is not playing, 0 is returned.

Target is Anim Instance

Montage Get Position

Get Current Montage Position

Target is Anim Instance

Montage Is Active

Returns true if the animation montage is active. If the Montage reference is NULL, it will return true if any Montage is active.

Target is Anim Instance

Montage Is Playing

Returns true if the animation montage is currently active and playing. If reference is NULL, it will return true is ANY montage is currently active and playing.

Target is Anim Instance

Montage Jump to Section

Makes a montage jump to a named section. If Montage reference is NULL, it will do that to all active montages.

Target is Anim Instance

Montage Jump to Sections End

Makes a montage jump to the end of a named section. If Montage reference is NULL, it will do that to all active montages.

Target is Anim Instance

Montage Pause

Pauses the animation montage. If reference is NULL, it will pause ALL active montages.

Target is Anim Instance

Montage Play

Plays an animation montage. Returns the length of the animation montage in seconds. Returns 0.f if failed to play.

Target is Anim Instance

Montage Resume

Resumes a paused animation montage. If reference is NULL, it will resume ALL active montages.

Target is Anim Instance

Montage Set Next Section

Relink new next section AFTER SectionNameToChange in run-time You can link section order the way you like in editor, but in run-time if you'd like to change it dynamically, use this function to relink the next section For example, you can have Start->Loop->Loop->Loop.... but when you want it to end, you can relink next section of Loop to be End to finish the montage, in which case, it stops looping by Loop->End.

Target is Anim Instance

Montage Set Play Rate

Change AnimMontage play rate. NewPlayRate = 1.0 is the default playback rate.

Target is Anim Instance

Montage Set Position

Set position.

Target is Anim Instance

Montage Stop

Stops the animation montage. If reference is NULL, it will stop ALL active montages.

Target is Anim Instance

Montage Stop Group by Name

Stops all active montages belonging to a group.

Target is Anim Instance

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