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Get Guardian Dimensions

Returns the dimensions in UE world space of the requested Boundary Type

Target is Oculus Function Library

Get Guardian Points

Returns the list of points in UE world space of the requested Boundary Type

Target is Oculus Function Library

Get Node Guardian Intersection

Get the intersection result between a tracked device (HMD or controllers) and a guardian boundary

Target is Oculus Function Library

Get Play Area Transform

Returns the transform of the play area rectangle, defining its position, rotation and scale to apply to a unit cube to match it with the play area.

Target is Oculus Function Library

Get Point Guardian Intersection

Get the intersection result between a UE4 coordinate and a guardian boundary

Target is Oculus Function Library

Is Guardian Configured

Returns true if the Guardian has been set up by the user, false if the user is in "seated" mode and has not set up a play space.

Target is Oculus Function Library

Is Guardian Displayed

Returns true if the Guardian Outer Boundary is being displayed

Target is Oculus Function Library

Set Guardian Visibility

Forces the runtime to render guardian at all times or not

Target is Oculus Function Library

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