Local Notification

Local Notification

On this page


Cancel Local Notification

Cancel a local notification given the ActivationEvent

Target is Blueprint Platform Library

Cancel Local Notification by Id

Cancel a local notification given the ActivationEvent

Target is Blueprint Platform Library

Clear All Local Notifications

Clear all pending local notifications. Typically this will be done before scheduling new notifications when going into the background

Target is Blueprint Platform Library

Get Device Orientation

Target is Blueprint Platform Library

Get Launch Notification

Get the local notification that was used to launch the app

Target is Blueprint Platform Library

Schedule Local Notification at Time

Schedule a local notification at a specific time, inLocalTime specifies the current local time or if UTC time should be used

Target is Blueprint Platform Library

Schedule Local Notification Badge at Time

Schedule a local notification badge at a specific time, inLocalTime specifies the current local time or if UTC time should be used

Target is Blueprint Platform Library

Schedule Local Notification Badge from Now

Schedule a local notification badge to fire inSecondsFromNow from now

Target is Blueprint Platform Library

Schedule Local Notification from Now

Schedule a local notification to fire inSecondsFromNow from now

Target is Blueprint Platform Library

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