

On this page


Add or Update Blendable

Adds an Blendable (implements IBlendableInterface) to the array of Blendables (if it doesn't exist) and update the weight

Target is Post Process Volume

Begin Draw Canvas to Render Target

Returns a Canvas object that can be used to draw to the specified render target. Canvas has functions like DrawMaterial with size parameters that can be used to draw to a specific area of a render target. Be sure to call EndDrawCanvasToRenderTarget to complete the rendering!

Target is Kismet Rendering Library

Break Skin Weight Info

Break FSkelMeshSkinWeightInfo

Target is Kismet Rendering Library

Change Component Screen Size to Use Sub Sections

Change ComponentScreenSizeToUseSubSections value on the render proxy.

Target is Landscape Proxy

Change Tessellation Component Screen Size

Change TessellationComponentScreenSize value on the render proxy.

Target is Landscape Proxy

Change Tessellation Component Screen Size Falloff

Change TessellationComponentScreenSizeFalloff value on the render proxy.

Target is Landscape Proxy

Change Use Tessellation Component Screen Size Falloff

Change UseTessellationComponentScreenSizeFalloff value on the render proxy.

Target is Landscape Proxy

Clear Render Target 2D

Clears the specified render target with the given ClearColor.

Target is Kismet Rendering Library

Convert Render Target to Texture 2DEditor Only

Copies the contents of a render target to a UTexture2D Only works in the editor

Target is Kismet Rendering Library

Create MIC Editor Only

Creates a new Material Instance Constant asset Only works in the editor

Target is Blueprint Material Texture Nodes BPLibrary

Create Render Target 2D

Creates a new render target and initializes it to the specified dimensions

Target is Kismet Rendering Library

Create Render Target 2DArray

Creates a new render target array and initializes it to the specified dimensions

Target is Kismet Rendering Library

Create Render Target Volume

Creates a new volume render target and initializes it to the specified dimensions

Target is Kismet Rendering Library

Draw Material to Render Target

Renders a quad with the material applied to the specified render target. This sets the render target even if it is already set, which is an expensive operation. Use BeginDrawCanvasToRenderTarget / EndDrawCanvasToRenderTarget instead if rendering multiple primitives to the same render target.

Target is Kismet Rendering Library

End Draw Canvas to Render Target

Must be paired with a BeginDrawCanvasToRenderTarget to complete rendering to a render target.

Target is Kismet Rendering Library

Export Render Target

Exports a render target as a HDR or PNG image onto the disk (depending on the format of the render target)

Target is Kismet Rendering Library

Export Texture 2D

Exports a Texture2D as a HDR image onto the disk.

Target is Kismet Rendering Library

Get Convenient Windowed Resolutions

Gets the list of windowed resolutions which are convenient for the current primary display size.

Target is Kismet System Library

Get Cursor World Ray

Get Cursor World Ray

Target is Landmass Blueprint Function Library

Get Enable World Rendering

Returns the world rendering state

Target is Gameplay Statics

Get Min YResolution for 3DView

Gets the smallest Y resolution we want to support in the 3D view, clamped within reasons

Target is Kismet System Library

Get Min YResolution for UI

Gets the smallest Y resolution we want to support in the UI, clamped within reasons

Target is Kismet System Library

Get Rendering Detail Mode

Get the clamped state of r.DetailMode, see console variable help (allows for scalability, cannot be used in construction scripts) 0: low, show only object with DetailMode low or higher 1: medium, show all object with DetailMode medium or higher 2: high, show all objects

Target is Kismet System Library

Get River to Lake Transition Material Instance

Returns River to lake transition material instance (For internal use. Please use AWaterBodyRiver instead.)

Target is Water Body

Get River to Ocean Transition Material Instance

Returns River to ocean transition material instance (For internal use. Please use AWaterBodyRiver instead.)

Target is Water Body

Get Supported Fullscreen Resolutions

Gets the list of support fullscreen resolutions.

Target is Kismet System Library

Get Two Sided

Gets whether the widget is two-sided or not

Target is Widget Component

Get Underwater Post Process Material Instance

Returns under water post process MID

Target is Water Body

Get Water Material

Returns water material

Target is Water Body

Get Water Material Instance

Returns water MID

Target is Water Body

Import Buffer as Texture 2D

Imports a texture from a buffer and creates Texture2D from it.

Target is Kismet Rendering Library

Import File as Texture 2D

Imports a texture file from disk and creates Texture2D from it.

Target is Kismet Rendering Library

Is Visible

Returns true if this component is visible in the current context

Target is Scene Component

Landscape Export Heightmap to RenderTarget

Output a landscape heightmap to a render target

Target is Landscape Proxy

Landscape Export Weightmap to RenderTarget

Output a landscape weightmap to a render target Only works in the editor

Target is Landscape Proxy

Landscape Import Heightmap from RenderTarget

Overwrites a landscape heightmap with render target data

Target is Landscape Proxy

Landscape Import Weightmap from RenderTarget

Overwrites a landscape weightmap with render target data Only works in the editor

Target is Landscape Proxy

Make Skin Weight Info

Create FSkelMeshSkinWeightInfo

Target is Kismet Rendering Library

On Interp Toggle

On Interp Toggle

Target is Planar Reflection

Override Atmosphere Light Direction

Override Atmosphere Light Direction

Target is Sky Atmosphere Component

Prestream Textures

Calls PrestreamTextures() for all the actor's meshcomponents.

Target is Actor

Read Render Target Pixel

Incredibly inefficient and slow operation! Read a value as sRGB color from a render target using integer pixel coordinates. LDR render targets are assumed to be in sRGB space. HDR ones are assumed to be in linear space. Result is 8-bit per channel [0,255] BGRA in sRGB space.

Target is Kismet Rendering Library

Read Render Target Raw Pixel

Incredibly inefficient and slow operation! Read a value as-is from a render target using integer pixel coordinates.

Target is Kismet Rendering Library

Read Render Target Raw UV

Incredibly inefficient and slow operation! Read a value as-is color from a render target using UV [0,1]x[0,1] coordinates.

Target is Kismet Rendering Library

Read Render Target UV

Incredibly inefficient and slow operation! Read a value as sRGB color from a render target using UV [0,1]x[0,1] coordinates. LDR render targets are assumed to be in sRGB space. HDR ones are assumed to be in linear space. Result is 8-bit per channel [0,255] BGRA in sRGB space.

Target is Kismet Rendering Library

Release Render Target 2D

Manually releases GPU resources of a render target. This is useful for blueprint creating a lot of render target that would normally be released too late by the garbage collector that can be problematic on platforms that have tight GPU memory constrains.

Target is Kismet Rendering Library

Remove Blendable

Removes a blendable.

Target is Scene Capture Component 2D

Render Target Sample Rectangle Editor Only

Samples an array of values from a Texture Render Target 2D. Currently only 4 channel formats are supported. Only works in the editor

Target is Blueprint Material Texture Nodes BPLibrary

Render Target Sample UV Editor Only

Samples a value from a Texture Render Target 2D. Currently only 4 channel formats are supported. Only works in the editor

Target is Blueprint Material Texture Nodes BPLibrary

Set Absorption

Set Other Absorption

Target is Sky Atmosphere Component

Set Absorption Scale

Set Other Absorption Scale

Target is Sky Atmosphere Component

Set Actor Hidden In Game

Sets the actor to be hidden in the game

Target is Actor

Set Aerial Pespective View Distance Scale

Set Aerial Pespective View Distance Scale

Target is Sky Atmosphere Component

Set Atmosphere Height

Set Atmosphere Height

Target is Sky Atmosphere Component

Set Bounds Scale

Scale the bounds of this object, used for frustum culling. Useful for features like WorldPositionOffset.

Target is Primitive Component

Set Cast Hidden Shadow

Changes the value of CastHiddenShadow.

Target is Primitive Component

Set Cast Inset Shadow

Changes the value of CastInsetShadow.

Target is Primitive Component

Set Cast Inset Shadow for All Attachments

Set the inset shadow casting state of the given component and all its child attachments. Also choose if all attachments should be grouped for the inset shadow rendering. If enabled, one depth target will be shared for all attachments.

Target is Kismet Rendering Library

Set Cast Shadow

Changes the value of CastShadow.

Target is Primitive Component

Set Custom Depth Stencil Value

Sets the CustomDepth stencil value (0 - 255) and marks the render state dirty.

Target is Primitive Component

Set Custom Depth Stencil Write Mask

Sets the CustomDepth stencil write mask and marks the render state dirty.

Target is Primitive Component

Set Enable World Rendering

Enabled rendering of the world

Target is Gameplay Statics

Set Exclude from Light Attachment Group

Changes the value of ExcludeFromLightAttachmentGroup.

Target is Primitive Component

Set Ground Albedo

Set Ground Albedo

Target is Volumetric Cloud Component

Set Height Fog Contribution

Set Height Fog Contribution

Target is Sky Atmosphere Component

Set Hidden in Scene Capture

Sets bHideInSceneCapture property and marks the render state dirty.

Target is Primitive Component

Set Layer Bottom Altitude

Set Layer Bottom Altitude

Target is Volumetric Cloud Component

Set Layer Height

Set Layer Height

Target is Volumetric Cloud Component

Set Light Attachments as Group

Changes the value of LightAttachmentsAsGroup.

Target is Primitive Component

Set Material

Set Material

Target is Volumetric Cloud Component

Set MIC Blend Mode Editor Only

Overrides the Blend Mode of a Material Instance Constant Only works in the editor

Target is Blueprint Material Texture Nodes BPLibrary

Set MIC Dithered LOD Editor Only

Overrides the Blend Mode of a Material Instance Constant Only works in the editor

Target is Blueprint Material Texture Nodes BPLibrary

Set MIC Scalar Parameter Editor Only

Sets a Scalar Parameter value in a Material Instance Constant Only works in the editor

Target is Blueprint Material Texture Nodes BPLibrary

Set MIC Shading Model Editor Only

Overrides the Shading Model of a Material Instance Constant Only works in the editor

Target is Blueprint Material Texture Nodes BPLibrary

Set MIC Texture Parameter Editor Only

Sets a Texture Parameter value in a Material Instance Constant Only works in the editor

Target is Blueprint Material Texture Nodes BPLibrary

Set MIC Two Sided Editor Only

Overrides the Two Sided setting of a Material Instance Constant Only works in the editor

Target is Blueprint Material Texture Nodes BPLibrary

Set MIC Vector Parameter Editor Only

Sets a Vector Parameter value in a Material Instance Constant Only works in the editor

Target is Blueprint Material Texture Nodes BPLibrary

Set Mie Absorption

Set Mie Absorption

Target is Sky Atmosphere Component

Set Mie Absorption Scale

Set Mie Absorption Scale

Target is Sky Atmosphere Component

Set Mie Anisotropy

Set Mie Anisotropy

Target is Sky Atmosphere Component

Set Mie Exponential Distribution

Set Mie Exponential Distribution

Target is Sky Atmosphere Component

Set Mie Scattering

Set Mie Scattering

Target is Sky Atmosphere Component

Set Mie Scattering Scale

Set Mie Scattering Scale

Target is Sky Atmosphere Component

Set Multi Scattering Factor

Set Multi Scattering Factor

Target is Sky Atmosphere Component

Set Only Owner See

Changes the value of bOnlyOwnerSee.

Target is Primitive Component

Set Owner No See

Changes the value of bOwnerNoSee.

Target is Primitive Component

Set Planet Radius

Set Planet Radius

Target is Volumetric Cloud Component

Set Rayleigh Exponential Distribution

Set Rayleigh Exponential Distribution

Target is Sky Atmosphere Component

Set Rayleigh Scattering

Set Rayleigh Scattering

Target is Sky Atmosphere Component

Set Rayleigh Scattering Scale

Set Rayleigh Scattering Scale

Target is Sky Atmosphere Component

Set Receives Decals

Changes the value of bReceivesDecals.

Target is Primitive Component

Set Reflection Sample Count Scale

Set Reflection Sample Count Scale

Target is Volumetric Cloud Component

Set Render Custom Depth

Sets the bRenderCustomDepth property and marks the render state dirty.

Target is Primitive Component

Set Render in Main Pass

Sets bRenderInMainPass property and marks the render state dirty.

Target is Primitive Component

Set Shadow Reflection Sample Count Scale

Set Shadow Reflection Sample Count Scale

Target is Volumetric Cloud Component

Set Shadow Tracing Distance

Set Shadow Tracing Distance

Target is Volumetric Cloud Component

Set Shadow View Sample Count Scale

Set Shadow View Sample Count Scale

Target is Volumetric Cloud Component

Set Single Sample Shadow from Stationary Lights

Changes the value of bSingleSampleShadowFromStationaryLights.

Target is Primitive Component

Set Sky Light Cloud Bottom Occlusion

Set Sky Light Cloud Bottom Occlusion

Target is Volumetric Cloud Component

Set Sky Luminance Factor

Set Sky Luminance Factor

Target is Sky Atmosphere Component

Set Stop Tracing Transmittance Threshold

Set Stop Tracing Transmittance Threshold

Target is Volumetric Cloud Component

Set Tracing Max Distance

Set Tracing Max Distance

Target is Volumetric Cloud Component

Set Tracing Start Max Distance

Set Tracing Start Max Distance

Target is Volumetric Cloud Component

Set Translucency Sort Distance Offset

Changes the value of TranslucencySortDistanceOffset.

Target is Primitive Component

Set Translucent Sort Priority

Changes the value of TranslucentSortPriority.

Target is Primitive Component

Set Two Sided

Sets whether the widget is two-sided or not

Target is Widget Component

Set Use Per Sample Atmospheric Light Transmittance

Setb Use Per Sample Atmospheric Light Transmittance

Target is Volumetric Cloud Component

Set View Sample Count Scale

Set View Sample Count Scale

Target is Volumetric Cloud Component

Set Visibility

Set visibility of the component, if during game use this to turn on/off

Target is Scene Component

Set Visible in Scene Capture Only

Sets bVisibleInSceneCaptureOnly property and marks the render state dirty.

Target is Primitive Component

Texture2D Sample UV Editor Only

Samples a texel from a Texture 2D with VectorDisplacement Compression

Target is Blueprint Material Texture Nodes BPLibrary

Toggle Visibility

Toggle visibility of the component

Target is Scene Component


Returns true if this actor has been rendered "recently", with a tolerance in seconds to define what "recent" means. e.g.: If a tolerance of 0.1 is used, this function will return true only if the actor was rendered in the last 0.1 seconds of game time.

Target is Actor


Returns true if this component has been rendered "recently", with a tolerance in seconds to define what "recent" means. e.g.: If a tolerance of 0.1 is used, this function will return true only if the actor was rendered in the last 0.1 seconds of game time.

Target is Primitive Component










Magic Leap

Magic Leap



Scene Capture

Scene Capture



Volumetric Fog

Volumetric Fog

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