Rig VMGraph

Rig VMGraph

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Find Link

Returns a link given its string representation, for example "NodeA.Color.R -> NodeB.Translation.X"

Target is Rig VMGraph

Find Node

Returns a Node given its path (or nullptr). (for now this is the same as finding a node by its name.)

Target is Rig VMGraph

Find Node by Name

Returns a Node given its name (or nullptr).

Target is Rig VMGraph

Find Pin

Returns a Pin given its path, for example "Node.Color.R".

Target is Rig VMGraph

Get Links

Returns all of the Links within this Graph.

Target is Rig VMGraph

Get Nodes

Returns all of the Nodes within this Graph.

Target is Rig VMGraph

Get Parameter Descriptions

Returns a list of unique Parameter descriptions within this Graph. Multiple Parameter Nodes can share the same description.

Target is Rig VMGraph

Get Select Nodes

Returns the names of all currently selected Nodes.

Target is Rig VMGraph

Get Variable Descriptions

Returns a list of unique Variable descriptions within this Graph. Multiple Variable Nodes can share the same description.

Target is Rig VMGraph

Is Node Selected

Returns true if a Node with a given name is selected.

Target is Rig VMGraph

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