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Add Point

Adds an FSplinePoint to the spline. This contains its input key, position, tangent, rotation and scale.

Target is Spline Component

Add Points

Adds an array of FSplinePoints to the spline.

Target is Spline Component

Add Spline Point

Adds a point to the spline

Target is Spline Component

Add Spline Point at Index

Adds a point to the spline at the specified index

Target is Spline Component

Clear Spline Points

Clears all the points in the spline

Target is Spline Component

Find Direction Closest to World Location

Given a location, in world space, return a unit direction vector of the spline tangent closest to the location.

Target is Spline Component

Find Input Key Closest to World Location

Given a location, in world space, return the input key closest to that location.

Target is Spline Component

Find Location Closest to World Location

Given a location, in world space, return the point on the curve that is closest to the location.

Target is Spline Component

Find Right Vector Closest to World Location

Given a location, in world space, return a unit direction vector corresponding to the spline's right vector closest to the location.

Target is Spline Component

Find Roll Closest to World Location

Given a location, in world space, return the spline's roll closest to the location, in degrees.

Target is Spline Component

Find Rotation Closest to World Location

Given a location, in world space, return rotation corresponding to the spline's rotation closest to the location.

Target is Spline Component

Find Scale Closest to World Location

Given a location, in world space, return the spline's scale closest to the location.

Target is Spline Component

Find Tangent Closest to World Location

Given a location, in world space, return the tangent vector of the spline closest to the location.

Target is Spline Component

Find Transform Closest to World Location

Given a location, in world space, return an FTransform closest to that location.

Target is Spline Component

Find Up Vector Closest to World Location

Given a location, in world space, return a unit direction vector corresponding to the spline's up vector closest to the location.

Target is Spline Component

Get Arrive Tangent at Spline Point

Get the arrive tangent at spline point

Target is Spline Component

Get Default Up Vector

Gets the default up vector used by this spline

Target is Spline Component

Get Direction at Distance Along Spline

Given a distance along the length of this spline, return a unit direction vector of the spline tangent there.

Target is Spline Component

Get Direction at Spline Input Key

Get unit direction along spline at the provided input key value

Target is Spline Component

Get Direction at Spline Point

Get the direction at spline point

Target is Spline Component

Get Direction at Time

Given a time from 0 to the spline duration, return a unit direction vector of the spline tangent there.

Target is Spline Component

Get Distance Along Spline at Spline Input Key

Get distance along the spline at the provided input key value

Target is Spline Component

Get Distance Along Spline at Spline Point

Get the distance along the spline at the spline point

Target is Spline Component

Get Float Property at Spline Input Key

Get a metadata property float value along the spline at spline input key

Target is Spline Component

Get Float Property at Spline Point

Get a metadata property float value along the spline at spline point

Target is Spline Component

Get Input Key at Distance Along Spline

Given a distance along the length of this spline, return the corresponding input key at that point

Target is Spline Component

Get Leave Tangent at Spline Point

Get the leave tangent at spline point

Target is Spline Component

Get Location and Tangent at Spline Point

Get location and tangent at a spline point

Target is Spline Component

Get Location at Distance Along Spline

Given a distance along the length of this spline, return the point in space where this puts you

Target is Spline Component

Get Location at Spline Input Key

Get location along spline at the provided input key value

Target is Spline Component

Get Location at Spline Point

Get the location at spline point

Target is Spline Component

Get Location at Time

Given a time from 0 to the spline duration, return the point in space where this puts you

Target is Spline Component

Get Number Of Spline Points

Get the number of points that make up this spline

Target is Spline Component

Get Number Of Spline Segments

Get the number of segments that make up this spline

Target is Spline Component

Get Right Vector at Distance Along Spline

Given a distance along the length of this spline, return a unit direction vector corresponding to the spline's right vector there.

Target is Spline Component

Get Right Vector at Spline Input Key

Get right vector at the provided input key value

Target is Spline Component

Get Right Vector at Spline Point

Get the right vector at spline point

Target is Spline Component

Get Right Vector at Time

Given a time from 0 to the spline duration, return the spline's right vector there.

Target is Spline Component

Get Roll at Distance Along Spline

Given a distance along the length of this spline, return the spline's roll there, in degrees.

Target is Spline Component

Get Roll at Spline Input Key

Get roll in degrees at the provided input key value

Target is Spline Component

Get Roll at Spline Point

Get the amount of roll at spline point, in degrees

Target is Spline Component

Get Roll at Time

Given a time from 0 to the spline duration, return the spline's roll there, in degrees.

Target is Spline Component

Get Rotation at Distance Along Spline

Given a distance along the length of this spline, return a rotation corresponding to the spline's rotation there.

Target is Spline Component

Get Rotation at Spline Input Key

Get rotator corresponding to rotation along spline at the provided input key value

Target is Spline Component

Get Rotation at Spline Point

Get the rotation at spline point as a rotator

Target is Spline Component

Get Rotation at Time

Given a time from 0 to the spline duration, return a rotation corresponding to the spline's position and direction there.

Target is Spline Component

Get Scale at Distance Along Spline

Given a distance along the length of this spline, return the spline's scale there.

Target is Spline Component

Get Scale at Spline Input Key

Get scale at the provided input key value

Target is Spline Component

Get Scale at Spline Point

Get the scale at spline point

Target is Spline Component

Get Scale at Time

Given a time from 0 to the spline duration, return the spline's scale there.

Target is Spline Component

Get Spline Length

Returns total length along this spline

Target is Spline Component

Get Spline Point Type

Get the type of a spline point

Target is Spline Component

Get Tangent at Distance Along Spline

Given a distance along the length of this spline, return the tangent vector of the spline there.

Target is Spline Component

Get Tangent at Spline Input Key

Get tangent along spline at the provided input key value

Target is Spline Component

Get Tangent at Spline Point

Get the tangent at spline point. This fetches the Leave tangent of the point.

Target is Spline Component

Get Tangent at Time

Given a time from 0 to the spline duration, return the spline's tangent there.

Target is Spline Component

Get Transform at Distance Along Spline

Given a distance along the length of this spline, return an FTransform corresponding to that point on the spline.

Target is Spline Component

Get Transform at Spline Input Key

Get transform at the provided input key value

Target is Spline Component

Get Transform at Spline Point

Get the transform at spline point

Target is Spline Component

Get Transform at Time

Given a time from 0 to the spline duration, return the spline's transform at the corresponding position.

Target is Spline Component

Get Up Vector at Distance Along Spline

Given a distance along the length of this spline, return a unit direction vector corresponding to the spline's up vector there.

Target is Spline Component

Get Up Vector at Spline Input Key

Get up vector at the provided input key value

Target is Spline Component

Get Up Vector at Spline Point

Get the up vector at spline point

Target is Spline Component

Get Up Vector at Time

Given a time from 0 to the spline duration, return the spline's up vector there.

Target is Spline Component

Get Vector Property at Spline Input Key

Get a metadata property vector value along the spline at spline input key

Target is Spline Component

Get Vector Property at Spline Point

Get a metadata property vector value along the spline at spline point

Target is Spline Component

Is Closed Loop

Check whether the spline is a closed loop or not

Target is Spline Component

Remove Spline Point

Removes point at specified index from the spline

Target is Spline Component

Set Closed Loop

Specify whether the spline is a closed loop or not. The loop position will be at 1.0 after the last point's input key

Target is Spline Component

Set Closed Loop at Position

Specify whether the spline is a closed loop or not, and if so, the input key corresponding to the loop point

Target is Spline Component

Set Default Up Vector

Sets the default up vector used by this spline

Target is Spline Component

Set Draw Debug

Specify whether this spline should be rendered when the Editor/Game spline show flag is set

Target is Spline Component

Set Location at Spline Point

Move an existing point to a new location

Target is Spline Component

Set Rotation at Spline Point

Set the rotation of an existing spline point

Target is Spline Component

Set Scale at Spline Point

Set the scale at a given spline point

Target is Spline Component

Set Spline Point Type

Specify the type of a spline point

Target is Spline Component

Set Spline Points

Sets the spline to an array of points

Target is Spline Component

Set Tangent at Spline Point

Specify the tangent at a given spline point

Target is Spline Component

Set Tangents at Spline Point

Specify the tangents at a given spline point

Target is Spline Component

Set Up Vector at Spline Point

Specify the up vector at a given spline point

Target is Spline Component

Update Spline

Update the spline tangents and SplineReparamTable

Target is Spline Component

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