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Get Generated Assets

Gets the transient assets that were generated for a prim with a given prim path. Likely one asset (e.g. UStaticMesh), but can be multiple (USkeletalMesh, USkeleton, etc.)

Target is Usd Stage Actor

Get Generated Component

Gets the transient component that was generated for a prim with a given prim path. Warning: The lifetime of the component is managed by the AUsdStageActor, and it may be force-destroyed at any time (e.g. when closing the stage)

Target is Usd Stage Actor

Get Source Prim Path

Gets the path to the prim that was parsed to generate the given Object.

Target is Usd Stage Actor

Get Time

Get Time

Target is Usd Stage Actor

Is Usd Available

Is Usd Available

Target is Static Mesh Exporter Usd

Save USD

Save USD

Target is USDLevel Info

Set Initial Load Set

Set Initial Load Set

Target is Usd Stage Actor

Set Purposes to Load

Set Purposes to Load

Target is Usd Stage Actor

Set Render Context

Set Render Context

Target is Usd Stage Actor

Set Root Layer

Set Root Layer

Target is Usd Stage Actor

Set Time

Set Time

Target is Usd Stage Actor

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