

On this page


Flush Animations

Flushes all animations on all widgets to guarantee that any queued updates are processed before this call returns

Target is User Widget

Get Animation Current Time

Gets the current time of the animation in this widget

Target is User Widget

Is Animation Playing

Gets whether an animation is currently playing on this widget.

Target is User Widget

Is Animation Playing Forward

returns true if the animation is currently playing forward, false otherwise.

Target is User Widget

Is Any Animation Playing

Target is User Widget

Is Playing Animation

Are we currently playing any animations?

Target is User Widget

Pause Animation

Pauses an already running animation in this widget

Target is User Widget

Play Animation

Plays an animation in this widget a specified number of times

Target is User Widget

Play Animation Forward

Plays an animation on this widget relative to it's current state forward. You should use this version in situations where say a user can click a button and that causes a panel to slide out, and you want to reverse that same animation to begin sliding in the opposite direction.

Target is User Widget

Play Animation Reverse

Plays an animation on this widget relative to it's current state in reverse. You should use this version in situations where say a user can click a button and that causes a panel to slide out, and you want to reverse that same animation to begin sliding in the opposite direction.

Target is User Widget

Play Animation Time Range

Plays an animation in this widget a specified number of times stopping at a specified time

Target is User Widget

Play Animation Time Range with Finished event

Play Animation Time Range on widget and trigger Finish event when the animation is done.

Target is Widget Animation Play Callback Proxy

Play Animation with Finished event

Play Animation on widget and trigger Finish event when the animation is done.

Target is Widget Animation Play Callback Proxy

Reverse Animation

If an animation is playing, this function will reverse the playback.

Target is User Widget

Set Animation Current Time

Sets the current time of the animation in this widget. Does not change state.

Target is User Widget

Set Num Loops to Play

Changes the number of loops to play given a playing animation

Target is User Widget

Set Playback Speed

Changes the playback rate of a playing animation

Target is User Widget

Stop All Animations

Stop All actively running animations.

Target is User Widget

Stop Animation

Stops an already running animation in this widget

Target is User Widget

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