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Add item to array

Target is Kismet Array Library

Add Unique

Add item to array (unique)

Target is Kismet Array Library

Append Array

Append an array to another array

Target is Kismet Array Library


Target is Kismet Array Library

Contains Item

Target is Kismet Array Library

Filter Array

Target is Kismet Array Library

Find Item

Target is Kismet Array Library

Get (a copy)

Given an array and an index, returns a temporary copy of the item in the array at that index (since it's a copy, changes to this item will NOT be propagated back to the array)

Get (a ref)

Given an array and an index, returns the item in the array at that index (since it's a direct reference, you can operate directly on the item and changes made to it will be reflected back in the array)


Checks if two arrays are memberwise identical

Target is Kismet Array Library


Target is Kismet Array Library

Is Valid Index

Target is Kismet Array Library

Last Index

Target is Kismet Array Library


Target is Kismet Array Library

Make Array

Create an array from a series of items.

Random Array Item

Gets a random item from specified array

Target is Kismet Array Library

Random Array Item from Stream

Gets a random item from specified array (using random stream)

Target is Kismet Array Library

Remove Index

Target is Kismet Array Library

Remove Item

Target is Kismet Array Library


Target is Kismet Array Library


Reverse the elements of an array

Target is Kismet Array Library

Set Array Elem

Target is Kismet Array Library


Shuffle (randomize) the elements of an array

Target is Kismet Array Library

Swap Array Elements

Target is Kismet Array Library

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