

On this page


Switch on AnimPhysSimSpaceType

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on CloudStatus

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on CurveInterpolationType

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on E_CamProjAlphaSrc

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on E_CamProjRenderingMode

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EAbcConversionPreset

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EAbcGeometryCacheMotionVectorsImport

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EActorUpdateOverlapsMethod

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EAirAbsorptionMethod

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EAlembicImportType

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EAlembicSamplingType

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EAnimAssetCurveFlags

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EAnimInterpolationType

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EAppleProResEncoderCodec

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EAppleProResEncoderColorPrimaries

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EAppleProResEncoderScanMode

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EAppleTextureType

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EApplicationState

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EAppMsgType

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EAppReturnType

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EARAltitudeSource

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EARCandidateImageOrientation

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EARCaptureType

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EArchetype

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EARCoreFaceComponentTransformMixing

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EARDepthAccuracy

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EARDepthQuality

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EAREnvironmentCaptureProbeType

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EAREye

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EARFaceBlendShape

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EARFaceComponentTransformMixing

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EARFaceTrackingDirection

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EARFaceTrackingFileWriterType

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EARFaceTrackingUpdate

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EARFaceTransformMixing

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EARFrameSyncMode

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EARGeoTrackingAccuracy

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EARGeoTrackingState

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EARGeoTrackingStateReason

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EARJointTransformSpace

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EARLightEstimationMode

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EARLineTraceChannels

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EARLiveLinkSourceType

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EARObjectClassification

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EARPinCloudMode

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EARPinCloudTaskResult

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EARPlaneDetectionMode

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EARPlaneOrientation

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EARSceneReconstruction

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EARServiceAvailability

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EARServiceInstallRequestResult

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EARServicePermissionRequestResult

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EARSessionConfigFlags

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EARSessionStatus

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EARSessionTrackingFeature

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EARSessionType

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EARSpatialMeshUsageFlags

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EARTextureType

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EARTrackingQuality

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EARTrackingQualityReason

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EARTrackingState

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EARWorldAlignment

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EARWorldMappingState

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EAttenuationDistanceModel

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EAttenuationShape

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EAudioBusChannels

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EAudioComponentPlayState

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EAudioFaderCurve

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EAudioRecordingExportType

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EAudioSpectrumBandPresetType

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EAudioSpectrumType

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EAudioVolumeLocationState

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EAzureSpatialAnchorDataCategory

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EAzureSpatialAnchorsLocateAnchorStatus

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EAzureSpatialAnchorsLocateStrategy

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EAzureSpatialAnchorsLogVerbosity

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EAzureSpatialAnchorsResult

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EAzureSpatialAnchorsSessionUserFeedback

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EBaseCalculationType

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EBlendMode

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EBone

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EBoneControlSpace

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EBoneModificationMode

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EBoundaryType

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EBrushBlendType

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EBrushFalloffMode

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EBTNodeResult

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EBuildHierarchyMethod

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EButtonClickMethod

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EButtonPressMethod

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EButtonTouchMethod

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on ECameraShakeAttenuation

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EChaosBreakingSortMethod

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EChaosCollisionSortMethod

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EChaosTrailingSortMethod

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on ECheckBoxState

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on ECloudARPinCloudState

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on ECollisionChannel

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on ECollisionEnabled

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on ECollisionResponse

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on ECollisionTraceFlag

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EColorCorrectRegionsType

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EColorSpace

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on ECommonInputMode

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on ECommonInputType

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on ECommonNumericType

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on ECommonSwitcherTransition

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EComparisonMethod

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EComparisonTolerance

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EComponentMobility

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EConfidenceBehavior

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EConstantQFFTSizeEnum

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EConstantQNormalizationEnum

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EControllerFidelity

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EControllerHand

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EControllerType

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EConversationRequirementResult

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EConversationTaskResultType

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on ECSVImportType

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on ECurveEditorFFTFilterClass

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on ECurveEditorFFTFilterType

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EDataprepReportMethod

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EDatasmithAreaLightActorShape

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EDatasmithAreaLightActorType

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EDatasmithKeyValuePropertyType

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EDatasmithLightShape

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EDataSortTypeEnum

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EDataSourceTypeEnum

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EDataValidationResult

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EDebugTypeEnum

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EDemoPlayFailure

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EDescendantScrollDestination

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EDetectedFaceFeatureType

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EDirection

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EDisplayClusterOperationMode

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EDisplayClusterSyncGroup

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EDistortionMeshSizeEnum

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EDMXCellFormat

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EDMXColorMode

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EDMXFixtureSignalFormat

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EDMXImportGDTFBeamType

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EDMXImportGDTFDMXInvert

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EDMXImportGDTFInterpolationTo

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EDMXImportGDTFLampType

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EDMXImportGDTFMaster

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EDMXImportGDTFMode

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EDMXImportGDTFPhysicalUnit

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EDMXImportGDTFPrimitiveType

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EDMXImportGDTFSnap

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EDMXImportGDTFType

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EDMXPixelMappingDistribution

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EDMXPixelMappingRendererType

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EDMXSendResult

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EDNADataLayer

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EDOFMode

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EDragPivot

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EDrawDebugTrace

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EDynamicBoxType

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EDynamicStateOverrideEnum

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EEasingFunc

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EEditorScriptingStringMatchType

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EEmissionPatternTypeEnum

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EEndPlayReason

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EEnvelopeFollowerPeakMode

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EEnvQueryStatus

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EEnvTestDot

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EExistingActorPolicy

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EExistingAssetPolicy

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EEXRCompressionFormat

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EEyeTrackerStatus

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EFaceComponentDebugMode

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EFBXAnimationLengthImportType

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EFbxExportCompatibility

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EFBXImportContentType

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EFBXImportType

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EFBXNormalGenerationMethod

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EFBXNormalImportMethod

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EFBXSceneNormalGenerationMethod

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EFBXSceneNormalImportMethod

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EFBXSceneOptionsCreateHierarchyType

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EFbxSceneVertexColorImportOption

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EFFTSize

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EFieldCullingOperationType

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EFieldFalloffType

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EFieldFilterType

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EFieldIntegerType

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EFieldOperationType

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EFieldPhysicsDefaultFields

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EFieldPhysicsType

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EFieldResolutionType

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EFieldScalarType

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EFieldVectorType

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EFilterResult

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EFixedFoveatedRenderingLevel

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EFocusLostReason

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EFollicleMaskChannel

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EFormatArgumentType

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EFreeDDefaultConfigs

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EFunctionalTestLogHandling

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EFunctionalTestResult

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EFunctionInputType

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EGainParamMode

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EGameplayAbilityActivationMode

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EGameplayAbilityInputBinds

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EGameplayAbilityInstancingPolicy

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EGameplayAbilityNetExecutionPolicy

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EGameplayAbilityNetSecurityPolicy

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EGameplayAbilityReplicationPolicy

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EGameplayAbilityTargetingLocationType

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EGameplayAbilityTriggerSource

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EGameplayContainerMatchType

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EGameplayCueEvent

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EGameplayModOp

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EGameplayTagEventType

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EGameplayTagMatchType

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EGameplayTargetingConfirmation

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EGender

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EGeoAnchorComponentDebugMode

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EGeometryCollectionPhysicsTypeEnum

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EGoogleARCoreAugmentedFaceMode

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EGoogleARCoreAugmentedFaceRegion

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EGoogleARCoreAvailability

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EGoogleARCoreCameraDepthSensorUsage

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EGoogleARCoreCameraFacing

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EGoogleARCoreCameraFPS

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EGoogleARCoreCoordinates2DType

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EGoogleARCoreFunctionStatus

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EGoogleARCoreInstallRequestResult

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EGoogleARCoreInstallStatus

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EGoogleARCoreLineTraceChannel

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EGoogleARCoreTrackingFailureReason

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EGoogleARCoreTrackingState

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EGooglePADCellularDataConfirmStatus

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EGooglePADDownloadStatus

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EGooglePADErrorCode

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EGooglePADStorageMethod

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EGoogleVRArmModelFollowGazeBehavior

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EGoogleVRControllerAPIStatus

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EGoogleVRControllerBatteryLevel

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EGoogleVRControllerHandedness

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EGoogleVRControllerState

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EGoogleVRControllerTooltipLocation

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EGoogleVRPointerInputMode

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EGranularSynthEnvelopeType

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EGranularSynthSeekType

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EGroomBindingMeshType

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EGroomGeometryType

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EGroomInterpolationType

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EGroomNiagaraSolvers

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EGroomStrandsSize

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EHairCardsClusterType

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EHairCardsGenerationType

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EHairCardsSourceType

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EHand

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EHandKeypoint

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EHandSkeleton

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EHandTrackingSupport

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EHDRCaptureGamut

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EHitResultGizmoFilterMode

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EHorizontalAlignment

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EImageComponentDebugMode

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EImplicitTypeEnum

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EImportanceWeight

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EInAppPurchaseState

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EInAppPurchaseStatus

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EInitialVelocityTypeEnum

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EInputActionState

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EInputActionValueType

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EInputEvent

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EInsetPolygonsMode

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EInspectedAttributeEnum

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EInterpToBehaviourType

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EIplAudioEngine

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EIplConvolutionType

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EIplDirectOcclusionMethod

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EIplDirectOcclusionMode

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EIplHrtfInterpolationMethod

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EIplRayTracerType

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EIplSimulationType

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EIplSpatializationMethod

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on ELerpInterpolationMode

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on ELevelVisibilityDirtyMode

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on ELidarClippingVolumeMode

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on ELidarPointCloudAsyncMode

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on ELidarPointCloudColorationMode

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on ELidarPointCloudDuplicateHandling

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on ELidarPointCloudScalingMethod

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on ELidarPointCloudSpriteOrientation

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on ELidarPointCloudSpriteShape

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on ELifetimeCondition

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EListItemAlignment

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on ELivelinkTrackingType

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on ELocalizedTextSourceCategory

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on ELocationAccuracy

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on ELocationFilteringModeEnum

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on ELocationXToSpawnEnum

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on ELocationYToSpawnEnum

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on ELocationZToSpawnEnum

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on ELoudnessNRTCurveTypeEnum

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on ELuminARLineTraceChannel

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on ELuminARTrackingState

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EMagicLeapARPinType

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EMagicLeapAutoPinType

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EMagicLeapBluetoothACLState

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EMagicLeapBluetoothAdapterState

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EMagicLeapBluetoothBondState

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EMagicLeapBluetoothBondType

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EMagicLeapBluetoothDeviceType

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EMagicLeapBluetoothGattCharacteristicPermissions

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EMagicLeapBluetoothGattCharacteristicProperties

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EMagicLeapBluetoothGattCharacteristicWriteTypes

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EMagicLeapBluetoothGattConnectionPriority

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EMagicLeapBluetoothGattConnectionState

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EMagicLeapBluetoothGattStatus

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EMagicLeapConnectionsInviteeFilter

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EMagicLeapConnectionsInviteStatus

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EMagicLeapConnectionsResult

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EMagicLeapContactsOperationStatus

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EMagicLeapContactsResult

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EMagicLeapContactsSearchField

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EMagicLeapControllerHapticIntensity

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EMagicLeapControllerHapticPattern

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EMagicLeapControllerLEDColor

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EMagicLeapControllerLEDEffect

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EMagicLeapControllerLEDPattern

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EMagicLeapControllerLEDSpeed

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EMagicLeapControllerTrackingMode

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EMagicLeapControllerType

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EMagicLeapDispatchResult

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EMagicLeapEyeTrackingCalibrationStatus

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EMagicLeapEyeTrackingStatus

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EMagicLeapGestureTransformSpace

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EMagicLeapHandTrackingGesture

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EMagicLeapHandTrackingGestureFilterLevel

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EMagicLeapHandTrackingKeypoint

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EMagicLeapHandTrackingKeypointFilterLevel

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EMagicLeapHeadTrackingError

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EMagicLeapHeadTrackingMapEvent

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EMagicLeapHeadTrackingMode

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EMagicLeapIdentityError

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EMagicLeapIdentityKey

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EMagicLeapImageTargetOrientation

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EMagicLeapImageTargetStatus

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EMagicLeapInputTabletDeviceButton

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EMagicLeapInputTabletDeviceToolType

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EMagicLeapInputTabletDeviceType

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EMagicLeapLightEstimationCamera

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EMagicLeapLocationResult

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EMagicLeapMeshLOD

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EMagicLeapMeshState

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EMagicLeapMeshType

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EMagicLeapMeshVertexColorMode

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EMagicLeapMovementType

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EMagicLeapMusicServicePlaybackRepeatState

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EMagicLeapMusicServicePlaybackShuffleState

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EMagicLeapMusicServicePlaybackState

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EMagicLeapMusicServiceProviderError

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EMagicLeapMusicServiceStatus

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EMagicLeapPassableWorldError

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EMagicLeapPlaneQueryFlags

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EMagicLeapPlaneQueryType

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EMagicLeapPrivilege

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EMagicLeapRaycastResultState

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EMagicLeapTouchpadGestureDirection

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EMagicLeapTouchpadGestureType

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EMappingQueryIssue

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EMappingQueryResult

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EMaterialProperty

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EMaterialSamplerType

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EMaterialSearchLocation

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EMaterialUsage

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EMatrixColumns

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EMediaAudioCaptureDeviceFilter

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EMediaCaptureCroppingType

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EMediaCaptureState

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EMediaPlayerOptionBooleanOverride

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EMediaPlayerTrack

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EMediaSoundComponentFFTSize

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EMediaVideoCaptureDeviceFilter

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EMediaWebcamCaptureDeviceFilter

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EMenuPlacement

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EMeshTrackerVertexColorMode

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EMIDCreationFlags

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EMIDIEventType

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EModifierExecutionPhase

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EModulationRouting

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EMotionRange

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EMovementMode

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EMoviePipelineEncodeQuality

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EMoviePipelineObjectIdPassIdType

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EMoviePipelineShutterTiming

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EMoviePipelineTextureStreamingMethod

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EMovieRenderPipelineState

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EMovieRenderShotState

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EMovieSceneBlendType

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EMovieSceneCompletionMode

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EMovieSceneEvaluationType

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EMovieScenePositionType

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EMPMatchOutcome

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EMultiBlockType

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EMultiBoxType

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EMultiUserConnectionStatus

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EMultiUserSourceValidationMode

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EMusicalNoteName

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on ENaturalSoundFalloffMode

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on ENetDormancy

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on ENetworkFailure

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on ENetworkSmoothingMode

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EObjectStateTypeEnum

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EObjectTypeQuery

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EOculusDeviceType

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EOculusHandType

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EOculusMR_CameraDeviceEnum

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EOculusMR_ClippingReference

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EOculusMR_CompositionMethod

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EOculusMR_PostProcessEffects

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EOnlineProxyStoreOfferDiscountType

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EOrientation

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EOscillatorWaveform

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EOutlinerItemNameEnum

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EOverlapFilterOption

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EParticleSysParamType

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EPathFollowingAction

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EPathFollowingRequestResult

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EPathFollowingResult

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EPathFollowingStatus

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EPhaserLFOType

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EPhysicalMaterialMaskColor

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EPhysicalSurface

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EPlaneComponentDebugMode

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EPlaneConstraintAxisSetting

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EPlanetShape

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EPolygonEdgeHardness

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EPoseComponentDebugMode

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EPoseDriverOutput

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EPoseDriverSource

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EPriorityAttenuationMethod

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EProgressBarFillType

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EPropertyAccessChangeNotifyMode

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EPyTestEnum

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EQRCodeComponentDebugMode

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EQualitySettings

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EQuartzCommandDelegateSubType

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EQuartzCommandQuantization

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EQuartzDelegateType

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EQuartzTimeSignatureQuantization

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EQuarztClockManagerType

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EQuarztQuantizationReference

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on ERaDistanceRolloffModel

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on ERaMaterialName

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on ERandomizeTransformReferenceFrame

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on ERandomizeTransformType

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on ERandomVelocityGenerationTypeEnum

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on ERangeBoundTypes

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on ERaQualityMode

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on ERaSpatializationMethod

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on ERejoinStatus

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EReplaceActorPolicy

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EReplaceAssetPolicy

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EReverbSendMethod

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on ERichCurveExtrapolation

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on ERichCurveInterpMode

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on ERichCurveTangentMode

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on ERichCurveTangentWeightMode

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on ERichTextInlineIconDisplayMode

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on ERigBoneType

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on ERigControlAxis

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on ERigControlType

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on ERigControlValueType

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on ERigElementType

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on ERigHierarchyImportMode

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on ERigLogicCalculationType

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on ERigSpaceType

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on ERigVMGraphNotifType

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on ERigVMParameterType

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on ERigVMPinDirection

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on ERingModulatorTypeSourceEffect

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on ERotationUnit

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on ERoundingMode

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on ESafetyRegionType

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on ESamplePlayerSeekType

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EScaleChainInitialLength

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EScreenOrientation

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EScriptingCollisionShapeType

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EScrollDirection

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EScrollWhenFocusChanges

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on ESelectInfo

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on ESendLevelControlMethod

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on ESequenceEvalReinit

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on ESequenceTimeUnit

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on ESetMaskConditionType

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on ESimulationOverlap

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on ESimulationQuery

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on ESkeletalSummaryDataType

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on ESlateAccessibleBehavior

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on ESlateBrushDrawType

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on ESlateBrushTileType

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on ESlateColorStylingMode

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on ESlateGesture

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on ESlateParentWindowSearchMethod

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on ESlateSizeRule

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on ESlateVisibility

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on ESocialChannelType

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on ESoundWaveFFTSize

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on ESourceBusChannels

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on ESourceBusSendLevelControlMethod

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on ESourceEffectDynamicsPeakMode

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on ESourceEffectDynamicsProcessorType

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on ESourceEffectFilterCircuit

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on ESourceEffectFilterParam

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on ESourceEffectFilterType

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on ESpawnActorCollisionHandlingMethod

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on ESplineMeshAxis

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on ESplinePointType

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on ESPStereoCameraLayer

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on ESteamVRHand

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on ESteamVRInputStringBits

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on ESteamVRTrackedDeviceType

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EStereoChannelMode

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EStereoDelayFiltertype

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EStereoDelaySourceEffect

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EStrandsTexturesMeshType

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EStrandsTexturesTraceType

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EStretch

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EStretchDirection

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on ESubmixEffectDynamicsChannelLinkMode

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on ESubmixEffectDynamicsKeySource

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on ESubmixEffectDynamicsPeakMode

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on ESubmixEffectDynamicsProcessorType

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on ESubmixFilterAlgorithm

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on ESubmixFilterType

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on ESubmixSendMethod

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on ESubmixSendStage

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on ESyncOption

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on ESynth1OscType

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on ESynth1PatchDestination

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on ESynth1PatchSource

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on ESynthFilterAlgorithm

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on ESynthFilterType

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on ESynthKnobSize

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on ESynthLFOMode

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on ESynthLFOPatchType

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on ESynthLFOType

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on ESynthModEnvBiasPatch

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on ESynthModEnvPatch

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on ESynthSlateColorStyle

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on ESynthSlateSizeType

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on ESynthStereoDelayMode

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on ESystemGestureBehavior

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on ETakeRecorderActorRecordType

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on ETakeRecorderMode

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on ETakeRecorderState

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on ETargetDataFilterSelf

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on ETargetUsageFlags

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on ETeamAttitude

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on ETemperatureSeverityType

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on ETextCommit

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on ETextFlowDirection

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on ETextGender

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on ETextJustify

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on ETextShapingMethod

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on ETextTransformPolicy

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on ETextureRenderTargetFormat

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on ETextureRotationDirection

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on ETextureShareBPSyncConnect

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on ETextureShareBPSyncFrame

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on ETextureShareBPSyncSurface

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on ETextWrappingPolicy

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on ETickingGroup

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on ETickMode

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on ETimelineDirection

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on ETimeSynthBeatDivision

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on ETimeSynthEnvelopeFollowerPeakMode

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on ETimeSynthEventClipQuantization

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on ETimeSynthEventQuantization

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on ETimeSynthFFTSize

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on ETimeSynthFilter

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on ETimeSynthFilterType

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EToolMenuInsertType

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EToolMenuStringCommandType

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on ETouchIndex

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on ETouchInputState

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on ETouchSwipeDirection

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on ETraceTypeQuery

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on ETrackedDeviceType

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on ETrackerInputSource

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on ETrackingConfidence

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on ETrackingStatus

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on ETransitionCurve

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on ETranslationUnit

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on ETravelFailure

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on ETriangleTessellationMode

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EUIControlEffectTarget

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EUINavigation

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EUINavigationAction

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EUINavigationRule

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EUMGSequencePlayMode

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EUnit

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EUpdateClockSource

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EUpdateCompletionStatus

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EUpdatePositionMethod

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EUpdateState

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EUsdMeshImportType

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EUsdUpAxis

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EUserInterfaceActionType

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EVariantManagerTestEnum

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EVCamTargetViewportID

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EVertexColorImportOption

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EVertexOffsetUsageType

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EVerticalAlignment

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EVirtualCameraFocusMethod

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EVirtualizationMode

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EVirtualKeyboardDismissAction

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EVirtualKeyboardTrigger

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EVirtualKeyboardType

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EVisibilityBasedAnimTickOption

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EVPCameraRigSpawnLinearApproximationMode

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EVProdPanelIDs

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EVPWidgetDisplayType

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EVREDCppVariantType

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EVRPNDeviceType

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EWalkableSlopeBehavior

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EWaterBodyType

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EWaterBrushBlendType

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EWaterBrushFalloffMode

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EWaveFunctionType

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EWidgetAnimationEvent

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EWidgetBlendMode

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EWidgetClipping

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EWidgetGeometryMode

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EWidgetInteractionSource

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EWidgetSpace

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EWidgetTimingPolicy

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EWindowMode

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EWindowVisibility

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EXRDeviceConnectionResult

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EXRSystemFlags

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EXRTrackedDeviceType

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on EXRVisualType

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on FControlRigChannelEnum

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on FCPXMLExportDataSource

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on FDataDrivenCVarType

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on FSoundModulationLFOShape

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on FTransformChannelEnum

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on Gameplay Tag

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on Gameplay Tag Container

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on Int

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on MovieScene3DPathSection_Axis

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on Name

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on PurchaseType

Selects an output that matches the input value

Switch on String

Selects an output that matches the input value

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