Break AssetManagerSearchRules

Break AssetManagerSearchRules


Adds a node that breaks a 'AssetManagerSearchRules' into its member fields

Break AssetManagerSearchRules
Asset Manager Search Rules
Asset Scan Paths
Include Patterns
Exclude Patterns
Asset Base Class
Select Class
Has Blueprint Classes
Force Synchronous Scan
Skip Virtual Path Expansion
Skip Manager Include Check


Asset Manager Search Rules
Asset Manager Search Rules Structure (by ref)


Asset Scan Paths
Array of Strings

List of top-level directories and specific assets to search, must be paths starting with /, directories should not have a trailing /

Include Patterns
Array of Strings

Optional list of include wildcard patterns using * that will get matched against full package path. If there are any at least one of these must match

Exclude Patterns
Array of Strings

Optional list of exclude wildcard patterns that can use *, if any of these match it will be excluded

Asset Base Class
Object Class Reference

Assets must inherit from this class, for blueprints this should be the instance base class

Has Blueprint Classes

True if scanning for blueprints, false for all other assets

Force Synchronous Scan

True if this should force a synchronous scan of the disk even if an async scan is in progress

Skip Virtual Path Expansion

True if AssetScanPaths are real paths that do not need expansion

Skip Manager Include Check

True if this test should skip the ShouldIncludeInAssetSearch function on AssetManager

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