Break ChangeVertexInstancesForPolygon

Break ChangeVertexInstancesForPolygon


Adds a node that breaks a 'ChangeVertexInstancesForPolygon' into its member fields

Break ChangeVertexInstancesForPolygon
Change Vertex Instances for Polygon
Polygon ID
Perimeter Vertex Indices And Instance IDs
Vertex Indices And Instance IDs For Each Hole


Change Vertex Instances for Polygon
Change Vertex Instances For Polygon Structure (by ref)


Polygon ID
Polygon ID Structure

The polygon to set vertex instances on

Perimeter Vertex Indices And Instance IDs
Array of Vertex Index And Instance ID Structures

A list of vertex numbers and vertex instance IDs to change for the polygon perimeter.

Vertex Indices And Instance IDs For Each Hole
Array of Vertex Instances For Polygon Hole Structures

A list of vertex instance IDs for each hole.

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