Break GameplayAbilityActorInfo

Break GameplayAbilityActorInfo


Adds a node that breaks a 'GameplayAbilityActorInfo' into its member fields

Break GameplayAbilityActorInfo
Gameplay Ability Actor Info
Owner Actor
Avatar Actor
Player Controller
Ability System Component
Skeletal Mesh Component
Anim Instance
Select Asset
Movement Component
Affected Anim Instance Tag


Gameplay Ability Actor Info
Gameplay Ability Actor Info Structure (by ref)


Owner Actor
Actor Weak object

The actor that owns the abilities, shouldn't be null

Avatar Actor
Actor Weak object

The physical representation of the owner, used for targeting and animation. This will often be null!

Player Controller
Player Controller Weak object

PlayerController associated with the owning actor. This will often be null!

Ability System Component
Ability System Component Weak object

Ability System component associated with the owner actor, shouldn't be null

Skeletal Mesh Component
Skeletal Mesh Component Weak object

Skeletal mesh of the avatar actor. Often null

Anim Instance
Anim Instance Weak object

Anim instance of the avatar actor. Often null

Movement Component
Movement Component Weak object

Movement component of the avatar actor. Often null

Affected Anim Instance Tag

The linked Anim Instance that this component will play montages in. Use NAME_None for the main anim instance.

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