Break IsPropertyValidParams

Break IsPropertyValidParams


Adds a node that breaks a 'IsPropertyValidParams' into its member fields

Break IsPropertyValidParams
Is Property Valid Params
Snapshot Actor
Level Actor
Snapshot Property Container
Level Property Containers
Property Path


Is Property Valid Params
Is Property Valid Params Structure (by ref)


Snapshot Actor
Actor Object Reference

The actor saved in the snapshot

Level Actor
Actor Object Reference

The actor equivalent to LevelActor: it exists in the world

Snapshot Property Container
Property Container Handle Structure

For passing to FProperty::ContainerPtrToValuePtr. This is either SnapshotActor or a subobject thereof.

Level Property Containers
Property Container Handle Structure

For passing to FProperty::ContainerPtrToValuePtr. This is either LevelPropertyContainers or a subobject thereof.

Property Reference

The property that we may want to rollback.

Property Path
Array of Strings

Each elements is the name of a subobject name leading to this property. The last element is the property name.

  • Examples:

    • MyCustomComponent -> MyCustomStructPropertyName -> PropertyName

    • MyCustomComponent -> MyCustomStructPropertyName

    • StructPropertyNameInActor -> PropertyName

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