Break WindowStyle

Break WindowStyle


Adds a node that breaks a 'WindowStyle' into its member fields

Break WindowStyle
Window Style
Minimize Button Style
Maximize Button Style
Restore Button Style
Close Button Style
Title Text Style
Active Title Brush
Inactive Title Brush
Flash Title Brush
Background Color
Outline Brush
Outline Color
Border Brush
Background Brush
Child Background Brush


Window Style
Window Style Structure (by ref)


Minimize Button Style
Button Style Structure

Style used to draw the window minimize button

Maximize Button Style
Button Style Structure

Style used to draw the window maximize button

Restore Button Style
Button Style Structure

Style used to draw the window restore button

Close Button Style
Button Style Structure

Style used to draw the window close button

Title Text Style
Text Block Style Structure

Style used to draw the window title text

Active Title Brush
Slate Brush Structure

Brush used to draw the window title area when the window is active

Inactive Title Brush
Slate Brush Structure

Brush used to draw the window title area when the window is inactive

Flash Title Brush
Slate Brush Structure

Brush used to draw the window title area when the window is flashing

Background Color
Slate Color Structure

Color used to draw the window background

Outline Brush
Slate Brush Structure

Brush used to draw the window outline

Outline Color
Slate Color Structure

Color used to draw the window outline

Border Brush
Slate Brush Structure

Brush used to draw the window border

Background Brush
Slate Brush Structure

Brush used to draw the window background

Child Background Brush
Slate Brush Structure

Brush used to draw the background of child windows

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