Make GameplayAbilityTargetingLocationInfo

Make GameplayAbilityTargetingLocationInfo


Adds a node that create a 'GameplayAbilityTargetingLocationInfo' from its members

Make GameplayAbilityTargetingLocationInfo
Location Type
Literal Transform
Source Actor
Source Component
Source Ability
Select Asset
Source Socket Name
Gameplay Ability Targeting Location Info


Location Type
EGameplayAbilityTargetingLocationType Enum

Type of location used - will determine what data is transmitted over the network and what fields are used when calculating position.

Literal Transform

A literal world transform can be used, if one has been calculated outside of the actor using the ability.

Source Actor
Actor Object Reference

A source actor is needed for Actor-based targeting, but not for Socket-based targeting.

Source Component
Mesh Component Object Reference

Socket-based targeting requires a skeletal mesh component to check for the named socket.

Source Ability
Gameplay Ability Object Reference

Ability that will be using the targeting data

Source Socket Name

If SourceComponent is valid, this is the name of the socket transform that will be used. If no Socket is provided, SourceComponent's transform will be used.


Gameplay Ability Targeting Location Info
Gameplay Ability Targeting Location Info Structure
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