Make SoundAttenuationPluginSettings

Make SoundAttenuationPluginSettings


Adds a node that create a 'SoundAttenuationPluginSettings' from its members

Make SoundAttenuationPluginSettings
Spatialization Plugin Settings
Occlusion Plugin Settings
Reverb Plugin Settings
Sound Attenuation Plugin Settings


Spatialization Plugin Settings
Array of Spatialization Plugin Source Settings Base Object References

Settings to use with spatialization audio plugin. These are defined by the plugin creator. Not all audio plugins utilize this feature. This is an array so multiple plugins can have settings.

Occlusion Plugin Settings
Array of Occlusion Plugin Source Settings Base Object References

Settings to use with occlusion audio plugin. These are defined by the plugin creator. Not all audio plugins utilize this feature. This is an array so multiple plugins can have settings.

Reverb Plugin Settings
Array of Reverb Plugin Source Settings Base Object References

Settings to use with reverb audio plugin. These are defined by the plugin creator. Not all audio plugins utilize this feature. This is an array so multiple plugins can have settings.


Sound Attenuation Plugin Settings
Sound Attenuation Plugin Settings Structure
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