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Generate an FText that represents the passed number as currency in the current culture. BaseVal is specified in the smallest fractional value of the currency and will be converted for formatting according to the selected culture. Keep in mind the CurrencyCode is completely independent of the culture it's displayed in (and they do not imply one another). For example: FText::AsCurrencyBase(650, TEXT("EUR")); would return an FText of "<EUR>6.50" in most English cultures (en_US/en_UK) and "6,50<EUR>" in Spanish (es_ES) (where <EUR> is U+20AC)

Target is Kismet Text Library

AsCurrency (float) - DEPRECATED (use AsCurrency)

Converts a passed in float to a text formatted as a currency

Target is Kismet Text Library

AsCurrency (integer) - DEPRECATED (use AsCurrency)

Converts a passed in integer to a text formatted as a currency

Target is Kismet Text Library


Converts a passed in date & time to a text, formatted as a date using an invariant timezone. This will use the given date & time as-is, so it's assumed to already be in the correct timezone.

Target is Kismet Text Library

AsDate (from UTC)

Converts a passed in date & time to a text, formatted as a date using the given timezone (default is the local timezone). This will convert the given date & time from UTC to the given timezone (taking into account DST).

Target is Kismet Text Library


Converts a passed in date & time to a text, formatted as a date & time using an invariant timezone. This will use the given date & time as-is, so it's assumed to already be in the correct timezone.

Target is Kismet Text Library

AsDateTime (from UTC)

Converts a passed in date & time to a text, formatted as a date & time using the given timezone (default is the local timezone). This will convert the given date & time from UTC to the given timezone (taking into account DST).

Target is Kismet Text Library


Converts a passed in float to a text, formatted as a percent

Target is Kismet Text Library


Converts a passed in date & time to a text, formatted as a time using an invariant timezone. This will use the given date & time as-is, so it's assumed to already be in the correct timezone.

Target is Kismet Text Library

AsTime (from UTC)

Converts a passed in date & time to a text, formatted as a time using the given timezone (default is the local timezone). This will convert the given date & time from UTC to the given timezone (taking into account DST).

Target is Kismet Text Library


Converts a passed in time span to a text, formatted as a time span

Target is Kismet Text Library

Equal (text)

Returns true if A and B are linguistically equal (A == B).

Target is Kismet Text Library

Equal, Case Insensitive (text)

Returns true if A and B are linguistically equal (A == B), ignoring case.

Target is Kismet Text Library

Find String Table ID and Key from Text

Attempts to find the String Table ID and key used by the given text.

Target is Kismet Text Library

Find Text in Localization Table

Attempts to find existing Text using the representation found in the loc tables for the specified namespace and key.

Target is Kismet Text Library

Format Text

Builds a formatted string using available format argument values. · Use {} to denote format arguments. · Argument types may be Byte, Integer, Float, Text, String, Name, Boolean, Object or ETextGender.

Get Empty Text

Returns an empty piece of text.

Target is Kismet Text Library

Is Polyglot Data Valid

Check whether the given polyglot data is valid.

Target is Kismet Text Library

Is Text from String Table

Returns true if the given text is referencing a string table.

Target is Kismet Text Library

Make Literal Text

Creates a literal FText

Target is Kismet System Library

Make Text from String Table (Advanced)

Attempts to create a text instance from a string table ID and key. Note: This exists to allow programmatic ?look-up of a string table entry from dynamic content - you should favor setting your string table reference on a text property or pin wherever possible as it is significantly more robust (see "Make Literal Text").

Target is Kismet Text Library

NotEqual (text)

Returns true if A and B are linguistically not equal (A != B).

Target is Kismet Text Library

NotEqual, Case Insensitive (text)

Returns true if A and B are linguistically not equal (A != B), ignoring case.

Target is Kismet Text Library

Polyglot Data to Text

Get the text instance created from this polyglot data.

Target is Kismet Text Library

Print Text

Prints text to the log, and optionally, to the screen If Print To Log is true, it will be visible in the Output Log window. Otherwise it will be logged only as 'Verbose', so it generally won't show up.

Target is Kismet System Library

Text Is Culture Invariant

Returns true if text is culture invariant.

Target is Kismet Text Library

Text Is Empty

Returns true if text is empty.

Target is Kismet Text Library

Text Is Transient

Returns true if text is transient.

Target is Kismet Text Library

Text to Lower

Transforms the text to lowercase in a culture correct way. Note: The returned instance is linked to the original and will be rebuilt if the active culture is changed.

Target is Kismet Text Library

Text to Upper

Transforms the text to uppercase in a culture correct way. Note: The returned instance is linked to the original and will be rebuilt if the active culture is changed.

Target is Kismet Text Library

Text Trim Preceding

Removes whitespace characters from the front of the text.

Target is Kismet Text Library

Text Trim Preceding and Trailing

Removes whitespace characters from the front and end of the text.

Target is Kismet Text Library

Text Trim Trailing

Removes trailing whitespace characters.

Target is Kismet Text Library

ToText (boolean)

Converts a boolean value to formatted text, either 'true' or 'false'

Target is Kismet Text Library

ToText (byte)

Converts a byte value to formatted text

Target is Kismet Text Library

ToText (float)

Converts a passed in float to text based on formatting options

Target is Kismet Text Library

ToText (int64)

Converts a passed in integer to text based on formatting options

Target is Kismet Text Library

ToText (integer)

Converts a passed in integer to text based on formatting options

Target is Kismet Text Library

ToText (linear color)

Converts a linear color value to localized formatted text, in the form '(R=,G=,B=,A=)'

Target is Kismet Text Library

ToText (name)

Converts Name to culture invariant text

Target is Kismet Text Library

ToText (object)

Converts a UObject value to culture invariant text by calling the object's GetName method

Target is Kismet Text Library

ToText (rotator)

Converts a rotator value to localized formatted text, in the form 'P= Y= R='

Target is Kismet Text Library

ToText (string)

Converts string to culture invariant text. Use Format or Make Literal Text to create localizable text

Target is Kismet Text Library

ToText (transform)

Converts a transform value to localized formatted text, in the form 'Translation: X= Y= Z= Rotation: P= Y= R= Scale: X= Y= Z='

Target is Kismet Text Library

ToText (Vector)

Converts a vector value to localized formatted text, in the form 'X= Y= Z='

Target is Kismet Text Library

ToText (vector2d)

Converts a vector2d value to localized formatted text, in the form 'X= Y='

Target is Kismet Text Library

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