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Get Current Filmback Name

Get the name of the current preset filmback option on the camera.

Target is Virtual Camera Player Controller Base

Get Filmback Preset Options

Stores the names of all available filmback presets into an array.

Target is Virtual Camera Player Controller Base

Get Matte Aspect Ratio

Returns the current matte aspect ratio.

Target is Virtual Camera Player Controller Base

Get Matte Opacity

Set the matte aspect ratio to a new value.

Target is Virtual Camera Player Controller Base

Get Matte Values

Returns the values of all matte options.

Target is Virtual Camera Player Controller Base

Set Filmback Preset Option

Set the filmback settings to a new filmback preset.

Target is Virtual Camera Player Controller Base

Set Matte Aspect Ratio

Set the matte aspect ratio to a new value.

Target is Virtual Camera Player Controller Base

Set Matte Opacity

Set the matte aspect ratio to a new value.

Target is Virtual Camera Player Controller Base

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