UGS Quick Start

Learn how to get started using UnrealGameSync.

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The goal of this guide is to show you the primary workflow of syncing your Unreal Project (.uproject) using UnrealGameSync (UGS) . After working through this tutorial, you'll know how to open an Unreal Project with UGS, and how to sync from the Project Overview and Changelist Areas of the application's main menu.

Required Setup: The following steps assume that your team has distributed and set up UGS on your machine(s).

1 - Opening a Local File

The following steps show you how to open a local Unreal Project file with UGS.

  1. To open a .uproject on your local drive, click the Open project... link.

  2. When the Open Project window opens, UGS enables the Local File radio button by default. To select a local file, click the Browse... button.

  3. Navigate to and select the .uproject file before clicking Open .

    We're using the First Person Shooter Tutorial as an example Unreal Project.

  4. To open the Unreal Project with UGS, click the Ok button.

2 - Opening a Workspace File

The following steps show you how to open a workspace Unreal Project file with UGS.

  1. To open a .uproject file on your local drive, click the Open project... link.

  2. When the Open Project window opens, UGS selects the Local File radio button by default. Select the Workspace radio button to get started.

  3. The first field that needs to be populated is the Workspace's name. If you already have a Workspace to point UGS to, click the Browse... button next to the Name: field.

    If you need to create new Workspace, click the New... button to set up a New Workspace.


  4. When the Select Workspace menu opens, it will show you a list of Workspaces that you can choose from. Go ahead and select a Workspace (1) and click the Ok button (2).

  5. Now, click the Browse... button next to the Path: field.

  6. With the Select Project menu open, expand the Workspace tree, select the .uproject file (1), and click the Ok button (2).

    We're using the First Person Shooter Tutorial as an example Unreal Project.

  7. Now that you've specified the Workspace Name and Path , you're ready to open the Unreal Project with UGS by clicking the Ok** button.

3 - Syncing from the Changelist Area

Now that you've opened a project with UGS, you'll want to perform a common task with UGS, syncing from the Changelist Area .

Make sure that you've logged into Perforce before proceeding with the following steps.

  1. Now that you've opened your project with UGS, locate the Changelist Area in the Main Menu .

  2. Locate the change that you're using, it will have an arrow icon next to it.

  3. To update to another change that was committed to the project's stream, double click on the other change while inside of the Changelist Area .

When the sync finishes, UGS updates the Output Log (3) , the Changelist Area (2) , and the Project Overview Area (1) , which is where you'll sync your project from in the next step.


4 - Syncing from the Project Overview Area

Now that you've performed a sync from the Changelist Area , having already opened the project with UGS, you'll want to perform another common task with UGS, syncing from the Project Overview Area .

  1. First, locate the Project Overview Area in the Main Menu .

  2. Click the down arrow button next to the Sync Now - To... button link to open the shortcut menu.

  3. Now, select the Latest Change option.

    To learn more about navigating the interface, options, and menus built into UGS, check out the UGS Reference Guide.

At the end of the sync, UGS will notify you that you've successfully updated to the latest Change .


You've now reached the end of this guide, where you learned how to open a project and how to sync it from the Changelist and Project Overview Areas of the user interface. If you want to continue learning more about UGS on your own, including how to deploy a binary version of your project or how to navigate the interface with all of its menus and options, check out the next section of this guide.

5 - On Your Own!

Now that you've opened your project, having performed a couple of common sync methods with UGS, try out the following:

  • Enable the Build and Run check boxes, which are found at the bottom of the UGS main menu to sync, build, and run your Unreal project.

  • If you're a developer looking to make use of the precompiled binaries feature for Creators who don't need to compile from source, read through the UGS Reference guide for more information on how to set up your build system to periodically submit a zip file containing Editor binaries to Perforce, enabling UGS to extract it to your creative's workspace.

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