Using Slate In-Game

Using Slate UI widgets for in-game user interfaces.

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Slate widgets can be used in-game to create Heads Up Displays (HUDs) or other User Interface (UI) elements, such as menus. You will generally create one or more container widgets, each of which may be composed of several other types of widgets that are responsible for a particular aspect of the UI.

For example, you may have a single overall widget for your game's HUD, as well as widgets for the main menu, options menu, pause menu, scoreboard, etc. Each of these widgets would then probably be made up of a combination of other custom widgets, labels, text boxes, images, and other types of elements.

Each of these container widgets can then be added or removed depending on the circumstances in the game:

  • When the game starts, a main menu widget would be added.

  • When they choose one of the options in the menu - to start the game perhaps - the main menu widget would then be removed.

  • If the player pauses the game at any point, the pause menu widget would be added.

  • When the game is resumed, the pause menu widget is removed.

  • When the HUD for the player is initialized, the HUD widget would be added.

Project Setup

In order to use the Slate User Interface (UI) Framework, your project must be set up properly so that it is aware of the

  1. This allows you to include the Slate.h header and reference the various elements of the framework necessary for building a UI with slate.

Module Dependencies

The Slate framework is stored in a few modules. In order to make your project aware of these, some dependencies must be set up in the *.build.cs file for your project.

The modules your project needs access to are:


Dependency Type







To set up the Slate module dependencies:

  1. Open the [ProjectName].build.cs file for your project. It is located in the [ProjectDir]/[ProjectName]/Source/[ProjectName] directory.

  2. Add the InputCore public dependency by adding "InputCore" to the PublicDependencyModuleNames .

    PublicDependencyModuleNames.AddRange(new string[] { "Core", "CoreUObject", "Engine", "InputCore" });

    The InputCore module is set as a public dependency by default when code projects are created.

  3. Add Slate and SlateCore private dependencies. A line exists in the *.build.cs file for adding private dependencies:

    PrivateDependencyModuleNames.AddRange(new string[] {  });

    Add the SlateCore and Slate modules to that line:

    PrivateDependencyModuleNames.AddRange(new string[] { "Slate", "SlateCore" });

    Depending on when you created your project, and with what version of the engine, it may already have the Slate dependencies set up in the *.build.cs files but commented out. You can uncomment the appropriate lines to set up the dependencies.

    // Uncomment if you are using Slate UI
    // PrivateDependencyModuleNames.AddRange(new string[] { "Slate", "SlateCore" });

Displaying Widgets

In order to display a Slate widget in your game, it must be added to the game's viewport. Overlaid widgets are ordered according to the Z-order specified when adding them, with larger Z-order values appearing on top of smaller Z-orders.

Accessing the Game Viewport

The game's viewport is an instance of the GameViewportClient class. A reference to the current game viewport is accessible via the GameViewport member of UEngine, which can be accessed using the GEngine global pointer to the current UEngine instance for the game.

For example:


GEngine and GameViewport can be NULL so you should always check their values before trying to access them or any of their members.

Adding the Widget to the Viewport

Slate widgets are added to the viewport by passing a reference - a TSharedref<SWidget> to be exact - to the widget to GameViewportClient::AddViewportWidgetContent() . This function takes in both a widget and a Z-order, which determines the sorting order for the new widget as mentioned previously. The Z-order is optional, however, and defaults to a value of 0 .

The reference to the widget you want to add to the viewport can be stored as a member of some class, such as your HUD, or it can be created and passed in at the time of calling the function.

Passing a reference to a widget stored in a member variable (as a TSharedPtr ):


Creating the widget using SNew() when passing it to GameViewportClient::AddViewportWidgetContent() :


Or using SAssignNew() to create it, assign it to a TSharedPtr member, and pass it in:

    SAssignNew(MyWidgetPtr, SWeakWidget)

Removing Widgets from the Viewport

Slate widgets can be removed from the viewport individually by passing a reference to a previously added widget to GameViewportClient::RemoveViewportWidgetContent() .

For example:


In addition, all widgets can be removed from the viewport at once by calling GameViewportClient::RemoveAllViewportWidgets()

For example:


GEngine and GameViewport can be NULL so you should always check their values before trying to access them or any of their members.

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