
class unreal.AnimNotifyState_Trail(outer=None, name='None')

Bases: unreal.AnimNotifyState

Anim Notify State Trail

C++ Source:

  • Module: Engine

  • File: AnimNotifyState_Trail.h

Editor Properties: (see get_editor_property/set_editor_property)

  • first_socket_name (Name): [Read-Write] Name of the first socket defining this trail.

  • notify_color (Color): [Read-Write] Color of Notify in editor

  • ps_template (ParticleSystem): [Read-Write] The particle system to use for this trail.

  • recycle_spawned_systems (bool): [Read-Write] Recycle Spawned Systems

  • render_geometry (bool): [Read-Write] If true, render the trail geometry (this should typically be on)

  • render_spawn_points (bool): [Read-Write] If true, render stars at each spawned particle point along the trail

  • render_tangents (bool): [Read-Write] If true, render a line showing the tangent at each spawned particle point along the trail

  • render_tessellation (bool): [Read-Write] If true, render the tessellated path between spawned particles

  • second_socket_name (Name): [Read-Write] Name of the second socket defining this trail.

  • width_scale_curve (Name): [Read-Write] Name of the curve to drive the width scale.

  • width_scale_mode (TrailWidthMode): [Read-Write] Controls the way width scale is applied. In each method a width scale of 1.0 will mean the width is unchanged from the position of the sockets. A width scale of 0.0 will cause a trail of zero width. From Centre = Trail width is scaled outwards from the centre point between the two sockets. From First = Trail width is scaled outwards from the position of the first socket. From Second = Trail width is scaled outwards from the position of the Second socket.

property first_socket_name

[Read-Only] Name of the first socket defining this trail.



override_ps_template(mesh_comp, animation)ParticleSystem

Override PSTemplate


Return type


property ps_template

[Read-Only] The particle system to use for this trail.



property recycle_spawned_systems

[Read-Only] Recycle Spawned Systems



property second_socket_name

[Read-Only] Name of the second socket defining this trail.



property width_scale_curve

[Read-Only] Name of the curve to drive the width scale.



property width_scale_mode

[Read-Only] Controls the way width scale is applied. In each method a width scale of 1.0 will mean the width is unchanged from the position of the sockets. A width scale of 0.0 will cause a trail of zero width. From Centre = Trail width is scaled outwards from the centre point between the two sockets. From First = Trail width is scaled outwards from the position of the first socket. From Second = Trail width is scaled outwards from the position of the Second socket.

