
class unreal.ConversationLinkNode(outer=None, name='None')

Bases: unreal.ConversationTaskNode

Conversation Link Node

C++ Source:

  • Plugin: CommonConversation

  • Module: CommonConversationRuntime

  • File: ConversationLinkNode.h

Editor Properties: (see get_editor_property/set_editor_property)

  • default_node_body_color (LinearColor): [Read-Write] Default color of the node.

  • has_dynamic_choices (bool): [Read-Write] EDITOR ONLY VISUALS: Does this task generate dynamic choices?

  • has_requirements (bool): [Read-Write] EDITOR ONLY VISUALS: Does this task internally have requirements?

  • node_name (str): [Read-Write] node name

  • remote_entry_tag (GameplayTag): [Read-Write] Remote Entry Tag

  • show_property_details (bool): [Read-Write] show detailed information about properties

  • show_property_editors (bool): [Read-Write] show detailed information about properties